Risk Alert

Risk Alert (Week of 18 May 2020)

This week, Dr Frans Cronje, argues that South Africa’s purported move to Lockdown Level 3 remains vague, with no clear benchmarks attached to the various levels, and no plan in place to manage the transition. Risk Alert (Week of 18 May 2020)

Risk Alert (Week of 11 May 2020)

This week, Dr Frans Cronje considers tensions between the United States and China, and the prospects for both economies in a post-Covid-19 global recovery. Risk Alert (Week of 11 May 2020)

Risk Alert (Week of 4 May 2020)

This week, Bheki Mahlobo argues that the move from Stage 5 to Stage 4 lockdown represents a political response to public frustration at the lockdown, rather than a substantive change in policy. Risk Alert (Week of 4 May 2020)

Risk Alert (Week of 27 April)

CRA Research Assistant, Bheki Mahlobo argues that this week’s expected move from phase 5 to phase 4 of the South African lockdown may do relatively little to restore much by way of domestic economic activity. Risk Alert (Week of 27 April)

Risk Alert (Week of 20 April)

This week, Dr Frans Cronje considers the proposal by the European Commission to reopen the economies of Europe, and contrasts this with the recent tightening of restrictions in Japan. Risk Alert (Week of 20 April)

Risk Alert (Week of 13 April 2020)

This week, Dr Frans Cronje identifies the ideological and political contestation within the Tripartite Alliance as a major risk complicating South Africa’s response to the Covid-19 crisis and the recovery thereafter. Risk Alert (Week of 13 April 2020)

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