Risk Alert

Risk Alert | South Africa's 7th administration is open for business

22 July 2024 - In this week’s Risk Alert, we begin with President Ramaphosa’s opening of parliament address; the policy signals, what can be gleaned regarding the GNU, and the prospects for reform. Risk Alert | South Africa's 7th administration is open for business

Risk Alert | A shifting balance of forces

15 July 2024 - In this week’s Risk Alert, we discuss the shifting balance of forces in South Africa’s politics, as uncertainty dogs key opposition parties. Risk Alert | A shifting balance of forces

Risk Alert | A two-speed cabinet

8 July 2024 - In this week’s Risk Alert, we focus on politics. We begin with a review of the new South African cabinet and assess some of the dynamics at play. Risk Alert | A two-speed cabinet

Risk Alert | A new government

1 July 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we discuss South Africa’s new Government of National Unity, and the opportunities presented to key negotiating parties. Risk Alert | A new government

Risk Alert | GNU off to a rocky start

23 June 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we discuss the tensions around the formation of a Government of National Unity, with key players haggling over the inclusion of additional partners. Risk Alert | GNU off to a rocky start

Risk Alert | The Rampant Centre

17 June 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we begin with the composition of South Africa’s new national government, its risks, and the opportunities from which it and the country can benefit. Risk Alert | The Rampant Centre

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