Risk Alert

Risk Alert | Executive flight

17 October 2023 – In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we discuss the departure of executives from key State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) — Eskom and Transnet — amid hints at imminent private sector involvement in the running of some parastatals. Risk Alert | Executive flight

Risk Alert | Opting for overseas

09 October 2023 – In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we begin with a survey of university students which shows that alarming numbers want to emigrate. Risk Alert | Opting for overseas

Risk Alert | Crime turns red hot

02 October 2023 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we provide an update on crime in South Africa and how it relates to the weakening of the South African state. Risk Alert | Crime turns red hot

Risk Alert | Taps run dry

26 September 2023 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we flag the looming water crisis in South Africa’s major urban areas, compounded by financial and infrastructural challenges in municipalities. Risk Alert | Taps run dry

Risk Alert | Budget battle looms

18 September 2023 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we look at the latest weekly system status report from Eskom, and present the CRA’s electricity outage scenarios for the year ahead. Risk Alert | Budget battle looms

Risk Alert | Eskom: maintenance deficit bites back

11 September 2023 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we look into the latest bout of Stage 6 loadshedding and unpack South Africa’s 0.6% quarter-on-quarter economic growth rate for Q2 2023. Risk Alert | Eskom: maintenance deficit bites back

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