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Magento Purchase Chapter

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Table of contents:

Fixed and financial assets 286
Ownership of certain assets, 2011 286
Ownership of certain assets, by type of asset, 2011 286
Ownership of certain assets by race, 2011 287
Ownership of certain assets by type and race, 2011 287
Value of certain assets by type and race, 2011 287
Asset ownership and debt by race, 2011 288
Property ownership by race, 2011 288
Home ownership by race, 2011 (actual numbers) 288
Home ownership by race, 2011 (proportions) 289
Movable assets 289
Household ownership of motor vehicles by income category, 2011/12 289
Household ownership of motor vehicles by province, Dec-11 289
Household appliances and electronics by income category, 2011/12 (actual numbers) 290
Household appliances and electronics by income category, 2011/12 (proportions) 290
Household appliances and electronics by province, 2011/12 (actual numbers) 290
Household appliances and electronics by province, 2011/12 (proportions) 291
Movable assets, 2009–11 291
Assets on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) 292
Total ownership of the JSE, 2000 and 2010 292
Total individual ownership of the JSE by race, 2000 and 2010 293
Ownership of JSE mandated funds by race, 2000 and 2010 293
Direct JSE share ownership by race, 2000 and 2010 294
Ownership of shares in JSE retirement funds by race, 1995–2010 295
Average earnings 296
Average monthly earnings in formal non-agricultural industries, 2011–12 (current prices) 296
Average monthly earnings in formal non-agricultural industries, 2011–12 (constant prices) 297
Average monthly earnings in formal non-agricultural employment in the public and private sectors, 2000–10 298
Monthly earnings by various categories, 2011 299
Monthly earnings by union membership, 2011 300
Minimum wages 301
Minimum wages for domestic workers 2003–12 301
Minimum wages and employment of domestic workers, 2003–12 301
Minimum wages for farmworkers, 2006–12 302
Minimum wages and employment of farmworkers, 2006–12 302
Income sources 303
Household sources of income by race, 2011 303
Income levels and categories 303
Households 303
Households by annual income category and province, 2011 303
Households by annual income category, 2011 304
Individuals 305
Adults by race, income group, and sex, 2009 (actual numbers) 305
Adults by race, income group, and sex, 2009 (proportions) 305
Adults by income group and province, 2009 (actual numbers) 305
Adults by income group and province, 2009 (proportions) 305
Adults by income group and highest level of education, 2009 (actual numbers) 305
Adults by income group and highest level of education, 2009 (proportions) 305
Income group growth rates by race, 2009–2010 305
Affluent individuals by race, age, and province, 2009 305
Income inequality 305
Gini co-efficient by race, 1996–2011 305
Gini co-efficient by province and race, 2011 306
Income trends 306
Very long-term income trends 306
Long-term income trends 306
Medium-term income trends 307
Aggregate income 307
Annual total disposable income by race, 1996–2011 307
Proportion of annual total disposable income by race, 1996 and 2011 307
Household income 308
Annual average household income by race, 1996–2011 308
Annual average household income by race, 1996 and 2011 308
Annual average household income by province, 1996–2011 309
Personal income 309
Annual income per capita by province, 1996–2011 309
Annual per capita income by race, 1996–2011 310
Annual per capita income by race, 1996 and 2011 310
Monthly household expenditure categories by race, 2011 311
Total household expenditure categories, 2011 311
Expenditure by race and main expenditure group (proportions), 2008 311
Distribution of final household consumption by main expenditure group, 1950–2011 312
Final household consumption expenditure, 2011 312
Final consumption expenditure by households, 1960–2011 313
Total outstanding consumer credit, 2012 314
Total credit granted by province, 2010–2012 314
Formal credit accessed by type, 2010–11 315
Adults with savings and/or investments, 2009–11 315
Investments by race, 2011 315
Private equity investments, 2010 and 2011 316
Motivations for saving, 2011 316
Reasons for not having savings or investments, 2011 316
Living standards measures by age, race, income, and province, 2011 318
LSMs, change over time, 2001–11 320
Proportion change in LSMs, 2001–11 320
National trends 321
Poverty measures by race and sex, 1993, 2000, and 2008 321
Number and proportion of people living on less than $1 a day, 1996–2009 321
People living on less than $2 a day, 1996–2011 321
People living in relative poverty by race, 1996–2011 (actual numbers) 322
People living in relative poverty by race, 1996–2011 (proportions) 323
Provincial trends 323
People living on less than $2 a day by province, 1996–2011 (actual numbers) 323
People living on less than $2 a day by province, 1996–2011 (proportions) 324
People living in relative poverty by province and race, 2011 (actual numbers) 324
People living in poverty by province and race, 2011 (proportions) 325
Municipal poverty 325
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