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Table of contents:
FINANCE | 414 |
Overall state spending | 414 |
Education and other spending 1994/95–2013/14 | 414 |
Basic and provincial education spending, 2010/11–2014/15 | 414 |
Higher and further education spending, 2010/11–2014/15 | 414 |
All education spending, 2010/11–2014/15 | 414 |
Public education spending as a proportion of total | |
government spending, 1996/97–2012/13 | 415 |
Public total education spending and public school spending | |
as a proportion of GDP, 1995/96–2010/11 | 416 |
State spending on school education | 417 |
Per capita expenditure for whites and Africans on | |
school education, 1953-1993 | 417 |
Spending per pupil by province, 2000/01–2010/11 | 418 |
Real spending per pupil in ordinary public schools | |
by province, 2000–2007 | 418 |
State spending on universities | 418 |
State spending on universities, 2000 and 2011 | 418 |
State budget allocation according to institution and spending | |
per university and student, 2010 | 419 |
International comparisons | 420 |
Public spending on education as a proportion of total | |
government spending, and of GDP, selected | |
countries, 2010 | 420 |
Public spending on education as a proportion of total | |
government spending, and of GDP, emerging | |
markets, 2010 | 421 |
Public spending on education as a proportion of total | |
government spending, and of GDP, selected African | |
countries, 2010 | 422 |
Structure of responsibility | 422 |
National Qualifications Framework (NQF) | 423 |
Levels of education in South Africa | 423 |
Level of education | 424 |
National statistics | 424 |
No schooling | 424 |
Adults without education by race | 424 |
Persons aged 20 and older, with no schooling by race, | |
2002 and 2011 (actual numbers) | 424 |
Persons aged 20 and older with no schooling by race, | |
2002 and 2011 (proportions) | 424 |
School education | 425 |
Adults who have completed grade 9 by race | 425 |
Persons aged 20 and older who have completed grade 9 | |
by race, 2002 and 2011 (actual numbers) | 425 |
Persons aged 20 and older who have completed grade 9 | |
by race, 2002 and 2011 (proportions) | 425 |
Adults who have completed grade 12 by race | 425 |
Persons aged 20 and older who have completed grade 12 | |
by race, 2002 and 2011 (actual numbers) | 425 |
Persons aged 20 and older who have completed grade 12 | |
by race, 2002 and 2011 (proportions) | 426 |
Post-school education | 426 |
Adults who have completed post-school education | |
by race | 426 |
Persons aged 20 and older, who have completed post-school | |
education by race, 2002 and 2011 (actual numbers) | 426 |
Persons aged 20 and older, who have completed post-school | |
education by race, 2002 and 2011 (proportions) | 426 |
Literacy and numeracy | 427 |
Children | 427 |
Grade 3 literacy by province, 2001, 2007 and 2011 | 427 |
Grade 3 numeracy by province, 2001, 2007 and 2011 | 427 |
Persons aged 15 and older | 428 |
Persons aged 15 and older who can write their own name, | |
by race, 2011 | 428 |
Persons aged 15 and older who can read, by race, 2011 | 428 |
Persons aged 15 and older who are numerate, by race, 2011 | 428 |
Persons aged 20 and older | 429 |
Literacy rates of persons aged 20 and above by race | |
and province, 2011 | 429 |
International comparisons | 430 |
Adult literacy, selected countries, 2010 | 430 |
Youth literacy rate by sex, selected countries, 2010 | 431 |
Local statistics | 432 |
Highest education levels of over-21 year olds by | |
municipality, 2011 | 432 |
Breakdown by age | 436 |
Attendance at educational institutions by race and age, | |
2011 | 436 |
Population aged between 4 and 6 attending an | |
educational institution, 2002–07 | 436 |
Population aged between 7 and 15 attending an | |
educational institution, 2002–09 | 436 |
Population aged between 7 and 15 attending an | |
educational institution by sex, 2002–08 | 436 |
Population aged between 16 and 18 attending an | |
educational institution by sex, 2002–2007 | 436 |
People aged between 5 and 24 attending an | |
educational institution, 2002–2008 | 436 |
Breakdown by institution | 437 |
Population attending an educational institution, by type | |
of institution, 2009–11 | 437 |
Population attending an educational institution, by type | |
of institution and race, 2011 | 437 |
Breakdown by fee payment | 438 |
People attending an educational institution who pay | |
annual tuition fees, 2002–11 | 438 |
Non-attendance | 439 |
Reasons why individuals aged 7 to 24 are not attending an | |
educational institution by province, 2011 | 439 |
Enrolment | 440 |
Early childhood development centres | 440 |
Population aged between 0 and 4 attending an Early | |
Childhood Development (ECD) centre, by race, 2011 | 440 |
Population aged between 0 and 4 attending an Early | |
Childhood Development (ECD) centre, by province, 2011 | 440 |
Grade R | 441 |
Enrolment by sex in grade R at sites attached to independent | |
and public schools, 1999-2011 | 441 |
Primary and secondary enrolment | 441 |
Gross enrolment rate (GER) at primary school level, | |
1985, 1991, 1995, 1997–2007 | 441 |
Net enrolment rate (NER) of children aged between | |
7 and 13, 1997–2005 | 441 |
Gross enrolment rate (GER) at secondary school level, | |
1985, 1991, 1995, 1997–2009 | 441 |
Net enrolment rate (NER) of children aged between | |
14 and 18, 1997–2005 | 441 |
All schools and enrolment | 442 |
Enrolment by grade at ordinary public and independent | |
schools, 2000 and 2011 | 442 |
Pupils at independent and public schools by province, | |
2000–2011 | 443 |
All schools | 446 |
All schools and pupils | 447 |
Schools | 447 |
Pupils | 447 |
Public schools | 448 |
Number of schools | 448 |
Public schools by province, 2000 and 2011 | 448 |
Number of Dinaledi schools by province, 2002-08 | 448 |
Number of former Model C schools in South Africa, 2009 | 448 |
Pupils and teachers | 449 |
Pupils and teachers at public schools by province, 2011 | 449 |
Pupils and teachers at public schools, 2004 and 2011 | 449 |
Pupils | 449 |
Pupils in ordinary schools, by province and race, 2010 | 449 |
No-fee schools and pupils attending no-fee schools, 2010 | 450 |
Pupils at farm schools by province, 1996 and 2000 | 450 |
Pupils in receipt of social grants by province, | |
2007 and 2010 | 450 |
Pupils and languages | 451 |
Pupils in ordinary schools, by home language and | |
province, 2010 | 451 |
Pupils in ordinary public schools, by preferred language of | |
learning and teaching and province, 2010 | 452 |
Pupils who learn in their home language, 2010 | 453 |
Single-medium ordinary public schools by province, 2010 | 454 |
Parallel-medium ordinary pubilc schools by province and | |
language, 2010 | 455 |
Single and parallel-medium schools, 2010 | 456 |
Teachers | 456 |
Teachers employed by School Governing Bodies (SGBs) | 456 |
Teachers employed by school governing bodies, | |
1997-2012 | 456 |
Teacher qualifications | 457 |
Teachers that are qualified by race, 1990–2011 | 457 |
Teachers that are qualified, 1990–2011 | 457 |
Qualified mathematics and physical science teachers | |
by province, 2008 | 457 |
Teacher intake | 457 |
First-time registrations in teaching at tertiary institutions, | |
2005–08 | 457 |
New graduates entering teaching by province, 2011 | 457 |
Teacher vacancies | 458 |
Vacancies by province, 2011 | 458 |
Teacher appointments | 458 |
Teaching appointments, 2011 | 458 |
Temporary teachers | 458 |
Temporary teachers by province at January 2010 | 458 |
Facilities and amenities | 459 |
Public schools and toilets, 2011 | 459 |
Public schools and water supply, 2011 | 460 |
Public schools and electricity supply, 2011 | 461 |
Public schools and communications systems, 2011 | 462 |
Public schools and laboratory facilities, 2011 | 463 |
Public schools and computer facilities, 2011 | 463 |
Public schools and library facilities, 2011 | 464 |
Resources in schools | 464 |
Limpopo textbook crisis | 464 |
Safety in schools | 465 |
Public schools and safety, 2011 | 465 |
Discipline in schools | 466 |
Expulsions by province, 2008 and 2009 | 466 |
Pregnancy in schools | 466 |
Pupils who got pregnant in ordinary schools, | |
by province and grade, 2009 | 466 |
Independent schools | 467 |
Independent schools by province, 2000–2011 | 467 |
Pupils and teachers at independent schools by province, | |
2011 | 467 |
Pupils at independent schools by race and province, | |
2003–08 | 467 |
Examinations and output | 468 |
Public examinations | 468 |
National Senior Certificate Grade 12, also known as Matric | 468 |
Candidates | 469 |
Full-time and part-time candidates by province, 2009–11 | 469 |
Full-time and part-time candidates, 2009–11 | 469 |
Overall results | 470 |
Senior certificate examination results, 1980–2007 | |
(old curriculum) | 470 |
National senior certificate examination results, 2008–2011 | |
(new curriculum) | 470 |
Results by province | 470 |
Senior certificate examination results by province, | |
1994, 1998, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, | |
and 2007 (old curriculum) | 470 |
Results by race and province | 471 |
Pass rate by race and province, 2011 (new curriculum) | 471 |
African results, 1955–2011 | 472 |
African results, 1955–2011 | 472 |
Africans passing matric, 1955–2011 | 473 |
Subject results | 473 |
Results in selected senior certificate examination subjects, | |
1999–2007 (old curriculum) | 473 |
New curriculum: 15 selected subjects, 2011 | 473 |
Technical subjects, 2011 | 474 |
Languages, 2011 | 474 |
Passes by level of mark, selected subjects, | |
2008–11 (actual numbers) | 475 |
Passes by level of mark, selected subjects, | |
2008–11 (proportions) | 476 |
Accounting, 2011 | 477 |
Mathematics, 2011 | 477 |
Mathematics literacy, 2011 | 477 |
Physical sciences, 2011 | 478 |
Life sciences, 2011 | 478 |
English home language, 2011 | 478 |
English first additional language, 2011 | 479 |
Mathematics results in Dinaledi and other schools, 2011 | 479 |
Physical science results in Dinaledi and other schools, 2011 | 480 |
Matric results by race and type of school, 2009 | 481 |
Matric pass rates by race and type of school, 2009 | 481 |
Matric pass rates by race and type of school, | |
2009 (actual numbers) | 481 |
Matric passes by race and type of school, 2009 (proportions | |
by type of school) | 482 |
Matric passes by race and type of school, 2009 (proportions | |
by race) | 482 |
Matric passes by race and type of school, 2009 | 482 |
Throughput | 483 |
Throughput, 1995-1997 and 2009–2011 | 483 |
Independent Examinations Board | 484 |
Examination results | 484 |
Independent Examinations Board senior certificate | |
examination results, 1994–2011 | 484 |
International schooling comparisons | 484 |
The quality of schooling | 484 |
Reading achievement, grade 4, 2006 | 484 |
The school system, 2008 | 484 |
School enrolment rates | 485 |
Selected countries, 2010 | 485 |
Further education and training (FET) | 486 |
Further education and training colleges | 486 |
Enrolments for NC (V) levels by province, 2011 | 486 |
Enrolments for NC (V) levels, 2011 | 486 |
NC (V) subject results per programme, 2009 | 487 |
National certification rates, selected subjects, 2009 to 2011 | 488 |
Further education and training colleges by | |
provinces, 2012 | 489 |
FET colleges in South Africa, 2009 | 489 |
Vocational training and apprentices | 490 |
Pupils who took trade tests through Indlela, | |
2006/07–2008/09 | 490 |
Number of apprentices that entered apprenticeship training | |
through apprenticeship contracts with Sector Education | |
and Training Authorities (Setas), 2006/07–2008/09 | 490 |
Nursing | 491 |
Output of nursing colleges, private and public, 2000–11 | 491 |
Agricultural colleges | 492 |
Enrolments at agricultural colleges by race, 2009 | 492 |
Graduates from agricultural colleges by race, 2009 | 492 |
Universities | 493 |
Enrolment | 494 |
Higher education participation rate | 494 |
Higher education participation rates by race, 2010 | 494 |
First-year enrolment | 494 |
Undergraduate students enrolling for their first year | |
of study, 2004–10 | 494 |
University enrolment | 495 |
University and university of technology enrolment, | |
1985–2010 | 495 |
Head-count enrolmenta at universities and universities of | |
technology by race, 1995–2010 (actual numbers) | 496 |
Head-count enrolment at universities and universities of | |
technology by race, 1995–2010 (proportions) | 497 |
University head-count by race, 1999–2010 (actual numbers) | 498 |
University head-count by race, 1999 and | |
2010 (actual numbers) | 498 |
University head-count by race, 1999–2010 (proportions) | 499 |
University head-count by race, 1999 and 2010 (proportions) | 499 |
University of technology head-count by race, | |
1999–2010 (actual numbers) | 500 |
University of technology head-count by race, | |
1999 and 2010 (actual numbers) | 500 |
University of technology head-count by race, | |
1999–2010 (proportions) | 501 |
University of technology head-count by race, | |
1999 and 2010 (proportions) | 501 |
Staff | 502 |
University staff and students | 502 |
Students, staff and ratio of students to staff, 2010 | 502 |
Output | 503 |
Publications | 503 |
Publication of articles, books and conference | |
proceedings, 2009 | 503 |
Tertiary awards | 503 |
All awards | 503 |
Degrees, diplomas, and certificates awarded by universities | |
and universities of technology by field of study, | |
1996, 2006 and 2010 | 503 |
Degrees | 504 |
University and university of technology awards by race and | |
subject, 1991 and 2010a (actual numbers): degrees | 504 |
University and university of technology awards by race and | |
subject, 1991 and 2010 (vertical proportions): degrees | 506 |
University and university of technology awards by race and | |
subject, 1991 and 2010 (horizontal proportions): degrees | 508 |
Output of universities and universities of technology, | |
2010 (actual numbers) | 510 |
Proportion of graduates in science, engineering, and | |
technology (SET) in higher education, 1994–2010 | 511 |
Officially registered private higher institutions, 2011 | 512 |
Private higher education institutions in South Africa, 2011 | 512 |
Education and employment | 513 |
Employment by highest level of education, 2011 and | |
2012 (numbers) | 513 |
Employment by highest level of education, 2011 and | |
2012 (proportions) | 513 |
Education and unemployment | 514 |
Unemployment by highest level of education, 2011 and | |
2012 (actual numbers) | 514 |
Unemployment by highest level of education, 2011 and | |
2012 (proportions) | 514 |