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Table of contents:
Changes over fifteen years | 596 |
Changes by household, 1996 and 2011 (actual numbers) | 596 |
Household and housing changes, 1996 and 2011 | |
(actual numbers) | 597 |
Household types and facilities, 1996 and 2011 (proportions) | 597 |
LAND | 598 |
Land ownership | 598 |
State-owned and privately-owned land by province, | |
March 2011 | 598 |
Private land sales and purchases | 598 |
Land reform | 599 |
Land restitution | 600 |
Land restitution claims and settlements by province, | |
1995–2010/11 | 600 |
Restitution claims settled/to be settled, 2011 | 601 |
Restitution claims outstanding by province as at | |
March 2011 | 601 |
Restitution land transferred, land costs, and costs | |
of financial compensation, 1994/05–2010/11 | 602 |
Farms and land that could have been purchased | |
with financial compensation money | 603 |
Land redistribution | 603 |
Land redistribution by province as at March 2012 | 604 |
Land redistribution progress as at March 2012 | 605 |
Land redistribution targets met by province as at | |
March 2012 | 605 |
Outstanding hectares to be redistributed by province | |
as at March 2012 | 605 |
Farms acquired for emerging farmers and cost of | |
acquiring them, as at August 2009 | 606 |
Land delivered to land reform beneficiaries per year | |
through the land redistribution programme, | |
2001/02–2010/11 | 606 |
Land tenure reform | 607 |
Draft Land Tenure Security Bill: implications | 607 |
Land tenure in the former homelands | 608 |
Land use for agriculture | 610 |
Reasons for household involvement in agriculture by | |
province, 2011 | 610 |
Households by reason of involvement in agriculture, 2011 | 610 |
HOUSING | 611 |
Housing types | 611 |
National data | 611 |
Detailed breakdown | 611 |
Households by type of dwelling and race, 1996 and | |
2011 (actual numbers) | 611 |
Households by type of dwelling and race, 1996 and | |
2011 (proportions) | 613 |
Summary of changes | 613 |
Types of housing occupied, 1996 and 2011 | 613 |
Types of housing occupied, 1996 | 614 |
Types of housing occupied, 2011 | 614 |
Changes in housing types, 1996–2011 | 614 |
Backyard structures | 615 |
All backyard stuctures, 1996 and 2011 (actual numbers) | 615 |
All backyard stuctures, 1996 and 2011 (proportions) | 615 |
Trends in backyard structures | 615 |
Provincial data | 616 |
All housing | 616 |
Types of housing by province, 1996 and 2011 | |
(actual numbers) | 616 |
Types of housing by province, 1996 and 2011 (proportions) | 617 |
Change in types of housing by province, 1996-2011 | |
(actual numbers) | 617 |
Change in types of housing by province, 1996-2011 | |
(proportions) | 618 |
Urbanisation and internal migration: explanation of | |
informal dwelling trends | 618 |
Informal dwellings | 619 |
Households residing in informal dwellings by type and | |
province, 1996 and 2011 (actual numbers) | 619 |
Households residing in informal dwellings by type and | |
province, 1996 and 2011 (proportions) | 619 |
Changes in households residing in informal dwellings by type | |
and province, 1996-2011 (actual numbers) | 620 |
Changes in households residing in informal dwellings by type | |
and province, 1996-2011 (proportions) | 620 |
Informal settlements | 620 |
Services available to households living in informal | |
dwellings, 2011 | 621 |
RDP housing | 622 |
Households in RDP dwellings as a proportion of total | |
and formal housing by province, 2011 | 622 |
Hostels | 622 |
Households living in hostels by province, 2011 | 622 |
Terms of occupation | 623 |
National data | 623 |
All housing types | 623 |
Household tenure status by race, 2011 (actual numbers) | 623 |
Household tenure status by race, 2011 (proportions) | 623 |
Household tenure status by race, 2011 | 623 |
Household tenure status by sex, 2011 (actual numbers) | 624 |
Household tenure status by sex, 2011 (proportions) | 624 |
Household tenure status by sex, 2011 | 624 |
Household tenure status by type of housing, 2011 | |
(actual numbers) | 625 |
Household tenure status by type of housing, 2011 | |
(proportions) | 625 |
Problems with title deeds | 625 |
State-subsidised housing by registration of title, 1994-2010 | 625 |
Definition | 626 |
Progress in the issuing of title deeds | 626 |
Causes of delays in the issuing of title deeds | 626 |
Consequences of problems with title deeds | 627 |
Provincial data | 628 |
Household tenure status by province, 2011 | 628 |
Municipal data | 629 |
Tenure status by municipality, 2011 | 629 |
International data | 631 |
Housing provision | 631 |
Housing backlog | 631 |
Annual housing backlog figures, 1996/97–2008/09 | 631 |
Homelessness | 631 |
Housing backlogs | 631 |
New deadline for eradicating housing backlog | 631 |
Government and private sector housing | 632 |
Private sector and government housing construction, | |
1997/98–2011/12 | 632 |
Housing market by income levels, 2009 | 632 |
Home loans granted by individual income category, 2011 | 633 |
Government subsidy housing | 633 |
Houses completed or under construction by province, | |
April 1994–March 2011 | 633 |
Qualifying criteria for government subsidy housing | 633 |
Addressing the housing gap market | 634 |
Planned units and units completed/in progress, | |
1994/95–2010/11 | 634 |
RDP/state subsidised housing by province, 2011 | 635 |
Private sector housing | 635 |
Residential buildings completed by the private sector | |
by size, 2003–2012 | 635 |
Challenges in private residential housing construction | 636 |
Water | 637 |
Free basic water | 637 |
Delivery of free basic water by province by 30 April 2012 | 637 |
Households with access to free basic water, | |
2001/02–2010/11 | 638 |
All water | 639 |
National data | 639 |
Household water sources by race, 2011 (actual numbers) | 639 |
Household water sources by race, 2011 (proportions) | 639 |
Household access to potable water, 1993/94–2010/11 | 640 |
Households without water in the dwelling or on site | |
by race and distance travelled to nearest water | |
source, 2011 (actual numbers) | 640 |
Households without water in the dwelling or on site | |
by race and distance travelled to nearest water | |
source, 2011 (proportions) | 640 |
Provincial data | 641 |
Access to piped water by province, 1996 and 2011 | |
(actual numbers) | 641 |
Access to piped water by province, 1996 and 2011 | |
(proportions) | 641 |
Selected water indicators by province, 2011 (proportions) | 642 |
Water interruptions | 642 |
Households that experienced water interruptions | |
by province, 2011 | 642 |
Water quality | 643 |
Blue and green drop certification programmes | 643 |
National municipal blue drop performance, 2009–2012 | 643 |
Best blue drop performers in each province, 2012 | 643 |
Sanitation | 644 |
National data | 644 |
Household sanitation facility by race, 2011 | |
(actual numbers) | 644 |
Household sanitation facility by race, 2011 (proportions) | 644 |
Households with access to sanitation and using bucket | |
system, 1993/94–2010/11 | 645 |
Provincial data | 645 |
Selected sanitation indicators by province, 2011 | |
(actual numbers) | 645 |
Selected sanitation indicators by province, 2011 | |
(proportions) | 646 |
Waste water quality | 646 |
National municipal green drop performance, 2009 and 2011 | 646 |
Provincial green drop performance, 2011 | 647 |
Provincial green drop scores, 2011 | 647 |
Sources of energy | 648 |
Household sources of energy by race, 2011 | |
(actual numbers) | 648 |
Household sources of energy by race, 2011 (proportions) | 649 |
Electrification | 650 |
Households without electricity and households added | |
to the national grid, 1994/95–2010/11 | 650 |
Households with and without electricity by province, | |
2002 and 2011 | 650 |
Households without electricity by province, | |
2002 and 2011 | 651 |
Electricity for lighting, cooking, and heating by | |
province, 2011 | 651 |
Household refuse disposal by race, 2011 (actual numbers) | 652 |
Household refuse disposal by race, 2011 (proportions) | 652 |
Households whose refuse is removed by municipalities | |
by province, 2002 and 2011 | 653 |
Households whose refuse is removed by municipalities | |
by province, 2011 | 653 |
Backlogs by province, 2011 | 654 |
Provincial breakdown of consumer units receiving free | |
basic services from municipalities, June 2011 | 654 |
Indigent households and free basic services | |
by province, 2011 | 655 |
Living conditions indicators by province and | |
municipality, 2012 | 656 |
Banking | 658 |
Banking status of adults, 2007–2011 (actual numbers) | 658 |
Banking status of adults, 2007–2011 (proportions) | 658 |
Proportion of each race with bank accounts, 2007–2010 | 658 |
Number of Mzansi accounts opened, 2005–2010 | 659 |
Banking status of adults by income category, 2010 | 659 |
Stokvels | 660 |
Value of annual contributions by type of stokvel, 2011 | 660 |
Stokvels by type and province, 2011 | 660 |
Insurance | 661 |
Short-term insurance products held, 2007–2011 | 661 |
Long-term insurance products held, 2007–2011 | 661 |
All | 661 |
Source of national and international news for adults | |
by media type, 2001–08 | 661 |
Broadcasting | 662 |
Adults with access to television sets and radios, 2005–11 | 662 |
Top ten commercial radio stations by listenership, 2010 | 662 |
The Press | 662 |
Print media publications, 1991–2011 | 662 |
Circulation of daily newspapers, 2011 | 663 |
Postal services | 663 |
Access to postal services, by province, 2012 | 663 |
Telecommunications | 664 |
Telephones | 664 |
Households with landline access by race, | |
2011 (actual numbers) | 664 |
Households with landline access by race, | |
2011 (proportions) | 664 |
Households with cellular phone access by race, | |
2011 (actual numbers) | 664 |
Households with cellular phone access by race, | |
2011 (proportions) | 664 |
Household access to all telephones by race, | |
2007 and 2011 (proportions) | 665 |
Household access to all telephones by province, 2011 | 665 |
Households with landline access and cellphone access | |
by province, 2011 | 666 |
Fixed line telephones and cellular phone subscriptions, | |
2000-10 | 666 |
Access to fixed line and cellular telephones, | |
selected countries, 2010 | 667 |
Access to fixed line and cellular telephones, | |
emerging markets, 2010 | 668 |
Access to fixed line and cellular telephones, | |
selected African countries, 2010 | 669 |
The Internet | 670 |
Internet access by race, 2011 | 670 |
Internet users, 2000–2010 | 670 |
Internet access by province, 2011 | 671 |
Internet users per 100 people, 2010 | 672 |
Communications by municipality | 673 |
Access to communication services by municipality, 2011 | 673 |
Transportation | 677 |
Public and private transport | 677 |
Commuters by mode of transport, 2003-10 | 677 |
Vehicle statistics | 677 |
Registered vehicles by province, 2003/04 and 2010/11 | 677 |
Motorised vehicles registered by year-end, December | |
1999–March 2011 | 678 |