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Table of contents:
THE STATE OF PLAY IN 2012 | 790 |
Parliament | 790 |
The National Assembly | 790 |
The state of play in the National Assembly after the 2009 | |
national election | 790 |
Proportional representation and seats held by party after | |
the 2009 national election | 790 |
The National Council of Provinces | 791 |
Seats held in the National Council of Provinces after | |
the 2009 provincial elections | 791 |
Number of delegates to the National Council of Provinces | |
after the 2009 provincial elections | 791 |
Provincial legislatures | 792 |
The state of play in provincial legislatures following the | |
2009 provincial elections | 792 |
Seats in provincial legislatures after the 2009 | |
provincial elections | 792 |
Local authorities | 793 |
Classification of municipalities | 793 |
Party representation | 793 |
Ward and proportional representation votes by party, 2011 | 793 |
Representation in the eight metropolitan municipalities | |
in 2012 | 794 |
Representation in the eight metropolitan municipalities | |
in 2012 (proportions) | 794 |
By-elections | 795 |
By-elections results since the 2011 local government | |
elections | 795 |
Control of councils | 795 |
Councils controlled by party, 2000–2012 | 795 |
Traditional authorities | 796 |
Recognised traditional leaders by province, 2012 | 796 |
The Traditional Courts Bill | 796 |
Women in legislatures | 797 |
Female members of the National Assembly, 1994–2012 | 797 |
Women in the National Assembly by party, 2012 | 798 |
Female members of provincial legislatures (MPLs), | |
1994–2009 | 798 |
Female local councillors, 2000–2011 | 798 |
Voter turnout | 799 |
Voter turnout in national, provincial, and local elections, | |
1994–2011 | 799 |
Voting trends | 799 |
ANC and DA/DP share of votes cast and eligible votes in | |
national and provincial elections, 1994–2009 | 799 |
Proportion of votes cast and eligible voters captured by | |
the ANC, 1994–2009 | 800 |
Proportion of votes cast and eligible voters captured by | |
the DA/DP, 1994–2009 | 800 |
Changes in party representation 1994–2009 | 800 |
Performance of Parliament | 801 |
Statutory audits | 802 |
Audits of national departments, 2000/01–2010/11 | 802 |
Audits of provincial departments, 2000/01–2010/11 | 802 |
Unauthorised and irregular expenditure by province, 2012 | 803 |
Audits of municipalities, 2001/02–2010/11 | 803 |
Audits of public entities, 2001/02–2010/11 | 804 |
Other performance indicators | 804 |
Rating of provincial premiers, 2012 | 804 |
Service delivery backlogs, 2012 | 804 |
Government debt to service providers | 805 |
Invoices older than 30 days owed by national and | |
provincial departments, 2012 | 805 |
Money owed to water boards by municipalities, 2011 | 805 |
Debt owed to municipalities | 805 |
Money owed to Gauteng municipalities, 2012 | 805 |
Confidence indicators | 806 |
Business confidence in government | 806 |
Business confidence in government policy, 2010-12 | 806 |
Change in business confidence in government | |
policy, 2010-12 | 806 |
Opinion polls | 807 |
People who believe that the Government is performing well, | |
2000–10 | 807 |
People who believe that the country is going in the center | |
direction, 2000-2011 | 808 |
Satisfaction with service delivery by local municipalities | |
by race, 2011 | 809 |
Satisfaction with service delivery by local municipalities | |
by age, 2011 | 809 |
Satisfaction with service delivery by local municipalities, | |
by selected metropolitan area, 2011 | 809 |
Satisfaction with service delivery by local municipalities | |
by Living Standards Measure, 2011 | 810 |
Satisfaction with service delivery by local municipalities | |
by language group, 2011 | 810 |
Corruption perceptions, 2012 | 811 |
Perceptions of problems in South Africa by race, 2012 | 811 |
‘Service-delivery’ protests | 811 |
Major service delivery protests, 2004–2012 | 811 |
Service delivery protests by province, Jan-July 2012 | 812 |
The Judiciary | 812 |
Views on the Judiciary, 2012 | 812 |
Social cohesion | 813 |
Happy future | 813 |
People confident in a happy future for all races, 2000–11 | 813 |
Race relations | 814 |
People who believe that race relations are improving, | |
2000–11 | 814 |
Identity | 815 |
How South Africans describe themselves, 2004–11 | 815 |
Proportion of people who are proud of being South African, | |
2003–10 | 815 |
Civil society | 816 |
Charitable giving and volunteering | 816 |
Volunteers by sex and type of activity, 2010 | 816 |
Organisation-based volunteer work, 2010 | 816 |
World Giving Index, selected countries, 2011 | 817 |
GOOD GOVERNANCE index | 818 |
The Rainbow Index, 2010/11 | 818 |
South African missions abroad, 2001/02–2010/11 | 820 |
Foreign countries and international organisations represented | |
in South Africa, 2012 | 820 |
Budget transparency | 821 |
Open Budget Index, selected countries, 2006–10 | 821 |
Open Budget Index, emerging markets and | |
African countries, 2006–10 | 821 |
Governance | 822 |
Governance Indicators, selected countries, 2010 | 822 |
Governance Indicators, emerging markets, 2010 | 824 |
Governance Indicators, selected African countries, 2010 | 826 |
Freedom and democracy | 828 |
Freedom in the world, selected countries, 2012 | 828 |
Press freedom in the world, selected countries, 2012 | 829 |
Democracy Index, selected countries, 2012 | 830 |
Democracy Index, emerging markets, 2012 | 832 |
Democracy Index, selected African countries, 2012 | 834 |
The ruling alliance | 836 |
African National Congress (ANC) | 836 |
Centenary celebrations | 836 |
Conferences | 836 |
Factionalism and succession | 837 |
Cadre deployment | 837 |
Membership figures and audits | 837 |
ANC membership by province, December 2007-September | |
2012 | 838 |
ANC branches, 2007-2010 | 838 |
The ANC Youth League (ANCYL) | 839 |
Julius Malema | 839 |
South African Communist Party (SACP) | 839 |
Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) | 839 |
Governmental matters | 840 |
The Presidency | 840 |
The Cabinet | 840 |
Provincial government | 841 |
Departments under administration | 841 |
Local government | 841 |
Municipal financial audits | 841 |
Foreign relations | 841 |
African Union (AU) | 841 |
European Union (EU) | 841 |
Israel | 842 |
Iran | 843 |
Swaziland | 843 |
Syria | 843 |
Zimbabwe | 843 |
Opposition parties | 844 |
Democratic Alliance (DA) | 844 |
ANC action against the DA in the Western Cape | 844 |
Policy | 844 |
Economic plan | 844 |
Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment | 845 |
The youth wage subsidy | 845 |
Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) and National Freedom Party (NFP) | 845 |
Congress of the People (Cope) | 846 |
The Judiciary | 846 |
The Media | 847 |
The Protection of State Information Bill | 847 |
Media regulation | 847 |
The Spear painting | 847 |
Corruption | 848 |
Arms deal | 849 |
Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) | 850 |
Political violence | 850 |
Political killings | 850 |