health2010.jpg The section on tuberculosis, which is the leading cause of death in South Africa, provides comprehensive information. Data on HIV/AIDS covers historical as well as projected prevalence. The section on medical personnel provides data on medical graduates, vacancy rates, and available medical personnel as well as the uptake by race of medical aid membership. Information on both private and public hospitals is also included. Statistics on blood transfusions, organ transplants, and circumcision are some of the additions to the chapter. The welfare section gives a breakdown of the welfare budget as well as all the types of social grants, their values, and the rapid growth in the number of beneficiaries over recent years.


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THE HEALTH AND WELFARE PICTURE                                                      

Health and welfare at a glance                                               

HEALTH INDICATORS                                                                                


Infant and under-five mortality                                                          

Infant mortality rate by province, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2007, 2008, and 2009

Under-five mortality rate by province, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2007, 2008, and 2009                                                                   

Under-five mortality rate, selected countries, 1970, 1990, 2005, and 2007                                                                   

Maternal mortality                                                                              

Maternal mortality rate, 1990-2005                                          

Unnecessary deaths of mothers, 2005–07                                 

Unnecessary deaths of mothers                                              

Still birth rate by province, 2003/04–2008/09                          

Still birth rate by district municipality, 2003/04–2008/09        

Causes of death                                                                                  

Leading causes of death, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007               

Causes of death by race, 2007                                                 

Causes of death: all races, 2007                                              

Death by age and year of death                                                          

Deaths by age and year of death, 1997–2007                           

Termination of pregnancy                                                                  

Termination of pregnancy by province, 1997–2007                   

Termination of pregnancy by age, 2001–2006                          


Severe malnutrition among under fives, 2001–08                     

Severe malnutrition among under fives by province, 2001–06                                                                              

Household food adequacy by province, 2009                           



Diarrhoea incidence among under fives by province and municipality, 2001–07/08                                                    


Malaria cases and deaths, 1971–2007                                      

Malaria deaths, 1971, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007                                                                            


Suspected measles cases, by province, 2007 and 2008              

Occupational diseases                                                                        

Occupational diseases claims finalised                                   

Tuberculosis (TB)                                                                               

TB cases and pulmonary TB cases reported, 1995–2007            

Total TB cases, 1995-2007                                                       

TB treatment rate, 1994–2008                                                  

Reported TB deaths by province, 2006–08                                

Incidence of TB, selected countries, 2005                                 

HIV and AIDS                                                                                         

Current data                                                                                       

Population segments living with HIV/AIDS                                    

South African population as a proportion of world population, 2007                                                                

South African HIV/AIDS cases as a proportion of world HIV/AIDS cases                                                                   

Snap-shot of population living with HIV/AIDS by province, 1 July 2010 (actual numbers)                                               

Snap-shot of people living with HIV/AIDS by province, 1 July 2010 (proportions)                                                     

Historical trends                                                                                

All infections                                                                                 

New HIV infections by year, 1999–2009                                    

Adult infection                                                                              

Estimated adult HIV-prevalence rates by population group, 1991–2009                                                                          

Female infection                                                                            

HIV infection rates of women attending public antenatal clinics, 1992–2008                                                               

HIV infection rates of women attending public antenatal clinics by province, 1992–2008                                             

HIV infection rates of women attending public antenatal clinics by province, 2008                                                     

HIV infection rates of women attending public antenatal clinics by age, 1997–2008                                                     

Projected prevalence rates                                                                 

HIV prevalence rate by province, 2002, 2009, and 2015             

Estimated HIV prevalence rates, 2002–15                                 

Estimated number of persons in need for ART and persons receiving ART, 2005–10                                                        

ART recipients, by province, 2010–11                                      

International comparisons                                                                 

Regional HIV/AIDS statistics, 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2008         

HIV prevalence among young (male and female) people (aged15-49), selected countries, 2007                                    

HEALTH RESOURCES AND SERVICES                                                         


National health budget allocations, 2011/12-2012/13              

Provincial health budget allocations, 2011/12                         

Consolidated national and provincial spending, 1994/95–2012/13                                                                              

Health expenditure, selected countries, 2006                           

Medical insurance                                                                                  

Medical aid beneficiaries by province, 2004–2008                     

Beneficiaries by province as a proportion of provincial population, 2008                                                                 

Beneficiaries of medical aid schemes, 1997–2008                      

Medical aid coverage by province and race, 2009                     

Medical aid coverage by race, 2009                                          

National Health Insurance (NHI)                                                            

Medical personnel                                                                                  

University health science awards by race, 2001–2006               

University health science awards, 2001–2006                           

Number of medical graduates by institution, 2004–08              

Registered health care personnel, 1990–2008                           

Number of medical personnel vacancies by province, 2009       

Number of public sector doctors by province, 2000–08             

Number of public sector professional nurses by province, 2000–08                                                                              

Public sector people-to-doctor and people-to-nurse ratio, 2008                                                                                   

Output of nurses, private and public, 2000-09                         

Number of completed nurse training courses, 2009                  

Government nursing colleges by province, 2009                       

Physicians per 1 000 people, selected countries, 2003–08          


Statistical information                                                                        

Bed utilisation rate, 2008/09                                                   

Number of beds in public and private sector hospitals by province, 2008 and 2009                                                      

Proportions of hospitals, private and public sectors, 2008 and 2009                                                                            

Number of hospitals in each province, 2008 and 2009              

Number of hospital beds per 1 000 people, selected countries, 2003-2008                                                                           


Immunisation coverage of children under one year, 2000–08                                                                              

Rates of immunisation and TB treatment, selected countries    

Blood transfusion                                                                                  

Blood donation by race, 2006–09                                             

Organ transplants                                                                                  

Number of organ transplants, 2004–08                                    


Male circumcision by province, 2003                                       

Male circumcision by race, 2003                                              

Condom use                                                                                           

Condom use among adults (proportions, 2002, 2005, and 2008                                                                            


Welfare budget                                                                                       

National welfare budget allocations, 2010/11–2012/13             

Welfare personnel and services                                                            

Population to social worker ratio by province, 2009                 

Social grants                                                                                           

Beneficiaries of social grants, 2001, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, and 2012/13                

Number of beneficiaries, 2001, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11, and 2011/12                                            

Old age grants and rates of inflation, 1994–2009                     

Increase in value of social grants, April 2006–April 2010          

Growth in child support grant recipient numbers and payments, October 1998–May 2008                                       

Beneficiaries of social grants by province and municipality, 2007                                                              

Provincial breakdown of consumer units receiving free basic services from municipalities, June 2009                                

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