2010-2011-Survey----Demographics-(WEB)-(25.jpgEight pages are dedicated to families, including child-headed households, orphans, presence - or absence - of fathers, single parents, and teenage pregnancy. Human Development Index trends are tracked back to 1980. The chapter concludes with a new section on refugees and asylum seekers in addition to internal migration data, showing which provinces are gaining and which are losing people.

For more detail on what the chapter contains, you will find the complete table of contents below.


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Table of Contents:


South Africa at a glance


Breakdown by race, age, and year, 1911–2040

Population by year and race, 1911–2025

Population by year and race, 1911 and 2011

Projected population by size, 2010–40

Projected population by age (proportions), 2010–40

Breakdown by race and year, 1992–2015

Population by race and year, 1992–2015

Breakdown by age, race, and sex, 2011

Population by age, race, and sex, 2011

Growth rate and forecasts by sex and race, 2001–40

Estimated annual population growth rates by sex, 2001–11

Annual population growth rate, 2010–40

Projected population by race, 2010 and 2025

Projected population by race (proportions), 2010–40

Projected population by race (proportions), 2010 and 2040

Projected relative population by sex, 2010–40

Average annual population growth, selected countries, 1990–95 and 2010–15

Average annual population growth, emerging markets, 1990–95 and 2010–15

Average annual population growth, selected African countries, 1990–95 and 2010–15

Breakdown by race and sex

Male/female population distribution by race, 2011

Breakdown by race and age

Estimated age profile by race, 2011 (actual numbers)

Estimated age profile by race, 2011 (proportions)

Breakdown by province

Population by province, 2011 mid-year estimates

Estimated average annual population growth rates by province, 2001–21

Breakdown by race and province

Projected population by race and province, 2012 and 2015 (actual numbers)

Projected population by race and province, 2012 and 2015 (proportions)

Population density

Population density by province, 2011

Breakdown by municipal area

Geography and demographics of district and metropolitan municipalities, 2009

Breakdown of district and metropolitan municipalities by race, sex, and age, 2007

Geographical distribution and urbanisation

Proportions of people living in urban areas by province and race, 1998, 2003, and 2008

Area size and population density of 16 selected urban areas, 2010

Population of 16 selected urban areas by race, 2000–10

Proportion of population by race of 16 selected urban areas, 2010

Urban and rural populations as a proportion of total population, selected countries, 1990 and 2010

Urban and rural populations as a proportion of total population, emerging markets, 1990 and 2010

Urban and rural populations as a proportion of total population, selected African countries, 1990 and 2010

Demographic indicators

Fertility rate

Fertility rate, 2001–11

Fertility rate by province, 2001–06 and 2006–11

Projected fertility rate, 2010–40

Adolescent fertility rate and total fertility rate, selected countries, 2009

Adolescent fertility rate and total fertility rate, emerging markets, 2009

Adolescent fertility rate and total fertility rate, selected African countries, 2009


Birth rate, 2001–11

Recorded live births by sex, 1991–2010

Birth forecasts by numbers and rate, 2010–25

Birth forecasts by numbers, 2010-25

Births minus deaths, 1985–2025

Births minus deaths, 1985–2025


Death rate, 2001–11

Number of registered deaths, 1997–2008

Number of deaths by age and sex, 2008

Projected mortality rate, 2010–40

Infant mortality rate, 2001–11

Infant and under five mortality rate, selected countries, 1990 and 2009

Adult mortality rates by sex, selected countries, 2005–09

Adult mortality rates by sex, emerging markets, 2005–09

Adult mortality rates by sex, selected African countries, 2005–09

Life expectancy

Life expectancy at birth by sex, 2001–11

Life expectancy by province and sex, 2001–06 and 2006–11

Projected life expectancy at birth by race, 1985–2025

Projected life expectancy at birth by sex, 2010–40

Life expectancy at birth, selected countries, 1990 and 2009

Survival to age 65 by sex (proportions), selected countries, 2009

Survival to age 65 by sex (proportions), emerging markets, 2009

Survival to age 65 by sex (proportions), selected African countries, 2009

Impact of HIV/AIDS

Estimated number and proportion of people HIV-positive, 2001–11

Proportion of people HIV-positive, 2001–11

Estimated effects of HIV/AIDS on total population, 2000–15

Estimated AIDS deaths by province, 2000–25

Estimated non-AIDS deaths by province, 2000–25

Estimated effects of HIV/AIDS on provincial populations, 2000–25

Projected impact of HIV/AIDS on the size of the South African population, 2000–40


Household numbers and proportions by province, 2010

Household numbers by race, 2001–10

Household numbers and proportions by district and metropolitan municipalities, 2009


Number of registered marriages, 2003–09

Number and proportion of children by province, 2009

Number and proportion of child-headed households by province, 2002–09

Number and proportion of orphans by province, 2009

Number and proportion of orphans by race, 2009

Number of orphans, selected African countries, 2009

Projections of orphans in South Africa, 2010–25

Proportion of children living with their parents by race, 2009

Children living in skip generation households by race, 2009

Proportion of children with/without fathers by race, 1996–2009

Proportion of women who had given birth by age, race, and marital status, 2001

Proportion of teenage girls who had ever been pregnant by province, 2002 and 2008

Teenage fertility rate, 1987–2008

Number and proportion of households by household type, 2009

Dependency ratio, selected countries


Major religious affiliations in South Africa, 2001 (numbers and proportions)

Changes in religious affiliation, 1980–2001


Breakdown of home languages, 2001

Human Development Index

Human Development Index, selected countries, 1990–2010

South African Human Development Index, 1980–2010

Human Development Index, selected countries, 1980–2010

Human Development Index rankings, selected countries, 2000–10

Human Development Index rankings, emerging markets, 2000–10

Human Development Index rankings, selected African countries, 2000–10


Estimated internal migration by province, 2006–11


Residence permits issued, 2009/10

International migration, 1940–2004

Annual rate of immigration growth, selected countries, 1960–2005

Refugees and asylum seekers

Asylum applications, 2009/10

Refugees and asylum seekers by country of asylum, selected countries, 2010

Refugees and asylum seekers by country of asylum, emerging markets, 2010

Refugees and asylum seekers by country of asylum, selected African countries, 2010


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