2010-2011-Survey----Education-(WEB)-1.jpgThe detailed sub-sections provide a comprehensive picture of the state of resources in public and private schools, and also provides comprehensive data on examinations and outputs. The chapter also includes a detailed overview of public higher education.

For more detail on what the chapter contains, you will find the complete table of contents below.


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Table of Contents:


South Africa at a glance


Overall spending

Basic and provincial education spending, 2009/10–2013/14

Higher and further education spending, 2009/10–2013/14

All education spending, 2009/10–2013/14

Public education spending as a proportion of total government spending, 1996/97–2009/10

Public total education spending and public school spending as a proportion of GDP, 1995/96–2008/09

Spending on school education

Per capita expenditure for whites and Africans on school education, 1953-1993

Spending per pupil by province, 2000/01–2009/10

Real spending per pupil in ordinary public schools by province, 2000–2007

University spending

State spending on universities, 2000 and 2010

State budget allocation according to institution and spending per university and student, 2010

International comparisons

Public spending on education as a proportion of total government spending, and of GDP, selected countries, 2009

Public spending on education as a proportion of total government spending, and of GDP, emerging markets, 2009

Public spending on education as a proportion of total government spending, and of GDP, selected African countries, 2009


National Qualifications Framework (NQF)

Levels of education in South Africa

Level of education

National statistics

No schooling

Adults without education by race

Persons aged 20 and older, with no schooling by race, 2002 and 2010 (actual numbers)

Persons aged 20 and older with no schooling by race, 2002 and 2010 (proportions)

School education

Adults who have completed grade 9 by race

Persons aged 20 and older who have completed grade 9 by race, 2002 and 2010 (actual numbers)

Persons aged 20 and older who have completed grade 9 by race, 2002 and 2010 (proportions)

Adults who have completed grade 12 by race

Persons aged 20 and older who have completed grade 12 by race, 2002 and 2010 (actual numbers)

Persons aged 20 and older who have completed grade 12 by race, 2002 and 2010 (proportions)

Post-school education

Adults who have completed post-school education by race

Persons aged 20 and older, who have completed post-school education by race, 2002 and 2010 (actual numbers)

Persons aged 20 and older, who have completed post-school education by race, 2002 and 2010 (proportions)

Literacy and numeracy


Grade 3 literacy by province, 2001, 2007 and 2011

Grade 3 numeracy by province, 2001, 2007 and 2011

Persons aged 15 and older

Persons aged 15 and older who can write their own name, by race, 2010

Persons aged 15 and older who can read, by race, 2010

Persons aged 15 and older who are numerate, by race, 2010

International comparisons

Adult literacy, selected countries, 2008

Youth literacy rate by sex, selected countries, 2006–09

Provincial and local statistics


Breakdown by age

Proportion of population aged between 4 and 6 attending an educational institution, 2002–07

Proportion of population aged between 7 and 15 attending an educational institution, 2002–09

Proportion of population aged between 7 and 15 attending an educational institution by sex, 2002–08

Proportion of population aged between 16 and 18 attending an educational institution by sex, 2002–2007

Proportion of people aged between 5 and 24 attending an educational institution, 2002–2008

Breakdown by institution

Population attending an educational institution, by type of institution, 2009–10

Population attending an educational institution, by type of institution and race, 2010

Proportion of population attending an educational institution by province, 2008

Breakdown by fee payment

Proportion of people attending an educational institution who pay annual tuition fees, 2002–10



Early childhood development centres

Population aged between 0 and 4 attending an Early Childhood Development (ECD) centre, by race, 2010

Population aged between 0 and 4 attending an Early Childhood Development (ECD) centre, by province, 2010

Gross enrolment rate (GER) at Early Childhood Development sites, 2002–07

Grade R

Enrolment by sex in grade R at sites attached to independent and public schools, 1999–2007

Primary and secondary enrolment

Gross enrolment rate (GER) at primary school level, 1985, 1991, 1995, 1997–2007

Net enrolment rate (NER) of children aged between 7 and 13, 1997–2005

Gross enrolment rate (GER) at secondary school level, 1985, 1991, 1995, 1997–2009

Net enrolment rate (NER) of children aged between 14 and 18, 1997–2005

All schools

Enrolment by grade at ordinary public and independent schools, 2000 and 2010

Pupils at independent and public schools by province, 2000 to 2010


Public schools

Number of public schools

Public schools by province, 2000 and 2010

Number of Dinaledi schools by province, 2002–08

Number of former Model C schools in South Africa, 2009

Pupils and teachers

Pupils and teachers at public schools by province, 2010

Pupils and teachers at public schools, 2004 and 2010


Number of pupils in ordinary schools, by province and race, 2009

Number of pupils in ordinary schools, by home language and province, 2009

Number of pupils in ordinary schools, by preference of the pupil’s language of learning and teaching and province, 2009

Number of no-fee schools, and of pupils attending no-fee schools, 2010

Pupils at farm schools by province, 1996 and 2000

Pupils in receipt of social grants by province, 2007 and 2008


Teachers employed by School Governing Bodies (SGBs)

Number of teachers employed by school governing bodies, 1997, 2004, 2007–09

Teacher qualifications

Proportion of teachers that are qualified by race: 1990, 1994, 2005–09

Proportion of teachers that are qualified: 1990, 1994, 2005–09

Qualified mathematics and physical science teachers by province, 2008

Teacher intake

First-time registrations in teaching at tertiary institutions, 2005–08

Number of new graduates entering teaching, 2005–08

Teacher vacancies

Vacancies by province, 2008

Teacher appointments

Teaching appointments, 2009

Temporary teachers

Number of temporary teachers byprovince at January 2010

Facilities and amenities

Public schools and toilets, 2011

Public schools and source of water supply, 2011

Public schools and source of electricity supply, 2011

Public schools and communications systems, 2011

Public schools and laboratory facilities, 2011

Public schools and computer facilities, 2011

Public schools and library facilities, 2011

Safety in schools

Public schools and safety, 2011

Discipline in schools

Expulsions by province, 2008 and 2009

Pregnancy in schools

Number of pupils who got pregnant in ordinary schools, by province and grade, 2008

Independent schools

Independent schools by province, 2000, 2005, and 2010

Pupils and teachers at independent schools by province, 2010

Pupils at independent schools by race and province, 2003–08

Changes in schools

All schools and pupils



Examinations and output

Public examinations

National Senior Certificate Grade 12, also known as Matric

Overall results

Senior certificate examination results, 1980–2007 (old curriculum)

National senior certificate examination results, 2008–2010 (new curriculum)

Results by province

Senior certificate examination results by province, 1994, 1998, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 (old curriculum)

Results by race and province

Pass rate by race and province, 2010 (new curriculum)

African results, 1955–2010

African results, 1955–2010

Subject results

Results in selected senior certificate examination subjects, 1999–2007 (old curriculum)

New curriculum: 15 selected subjects, 2010

Technical subjects, 2010

Languages, 2010

Mathematics results in Dinaledi and other schools, 2010

Physical science results in Dinaledi and other schools, 2010

South Africa’s Top schools

Results in South Africa’s Top 100 schools, 2008

The poorest schools that achieved pass rates of 100%, 2009

Results by race and type of school, 2009

Pass rates by race and type of school, 2009

Passes by race and type of school, 2009 (actual numbers)

Passes by race and type of school, 2009 (proportions by type of school)

Passes by race and type of school, 2009 (proportions by race)

Pass rates by race and type of school, 2009


Throughput, 2008–2010

Independent Examinations Board

Examination results

Independent Examinations Board senior certificate examination results, 1994–2010

International schooling comparisons

The quality of schooling

Reading achievement, grade 4, 2006

The school system, 2008

School enrolment rates

Selected countries, 2008


Further education and training (FET)

Further education and training colleges

Enrolments for NC (V) levels by province, 2011

Enrolments for NC (V) levels, 2011

NC (V) results per programme, 2009

Further education and training colleges by province, 2010

FET colleges in South Africa, 2009

Vocational training and apprentices

Pupils who took trade tests through Indlela, 2006/07–2008/09

Number of apprentices that entered apprenticeship training through apprenticeship contracts with Sector Education and Training Authorities (Setas), 2006/07–2008/09


Output of nurses, private and public institutions, 2000–10

Agricultural colleges

Enrolments for diplomas, higher certificates, and degrees by race and sex at colleges of agriculture, 2006

Enrolments by programme at colleges of agriculture in 2006



Higher education participation rate

Higher education participation rates by race, 2010

First year enrolment

Number of undergraduate students enrolling for their first year of study, 2004–10

South African universities

Tertiary enrolment

University and university of technology enrolment, 1985–2009

Head-count enrolment at universities and universities of technology by race, 1995–2009 (actual numbers)

Head-count enrolment at universities and universities of technology by race, 1995–2009 (proportions)

University head-count by race, 1999–2009 (actual numbers)

University head-count by race, 1999 and 2009 (actual numbers)

University head-count by race, 1999–2009 (proportions)

University head-count by race, 1999 and 2009 (proportions)

University of technology head-count by race, 1999–2009 (actual numbers)

University of technology head-count by race, 1999 and 2009 (actual numbers)

University of technology head-count by race, 1999–2009 (proportions)

University of technology head-count by race, 1999 and 2009 (proportions)


University staff and students

Students, staff and ratio of students to staff, 2009 and 2010



Publications by university

Publication of articles, books and conference proceedings, 2009

Tertiary awards

All awards

Degrees, diplomas, and certificates awarded by universities and universities of technology by field of study, 1996, 2006 and 2009


University and university of technology awards by race and subject, 1991 and 2009 (actual numbers): degrees

University and university of technology awards by race and subject, 1991 and 2009 (vertical proportions): degrees

University and university of technology awards by race and subject, 1991 and 2009 (horizontal proportions): degrees

Output of universities and universities of technology, 2010 (actual numbers)

Proportion of graduates in science, engineering, and technology (SET) in higher education, 1994–2008


Officially registered private higher institutions, 2011

Private higher education institutions in South Africa, 2011


Education and employment

Education and employment

Employment by highest level of education, 2010 and 2011 (numbers)

Employment by highest level of education, 2010 and 2011 (proportions)

Education and unemployment

Unemployment by highest level of education, 2010 and 2011 (actual numbers)

Unemployment by highest level of education, 2010 and 2011 (proportions)

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