Employ&incomes.jpgParticular features are a new section on the ownership of various assets, including racial breakdowns, a section dedicated to employment in the public sector, and unemployment trends spanning 17 years. The chapter also shows changing patterns of inequality and Living Standards Measures over the last decade, analysed by race and province.

For more detail on what the chapter contains, you will find the complete table of contents below.


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Table of Contents:


South Africa at a glance


Labour market trends

Labour market trends 2001 and 2011

Labour market trends, 2010–11

Labour market participation and absorption rates

Labour market participation rate, 2001–11

Labour market participation rate by race and sex, 2011

Labour force participation and unemployment rates, selected countries, 1990 and 2009

Labour force absorption rate, 2001–11

Economically active population


Economically active population by race, 2001–11

Economically active population by race and sex, 2011


Overall employment by economic sector and industry, 2001, 2010, and 2011

Overall employment by economic sector and industry, 2001–11

Change in overall employment by economic sector and industry, 2001–11 and 2010–11

Employment by industry, sex, and race

Employment by industry and sex, 2001 and 2011

Employment by industry, sex, and race, 2011 (actual numbers)

Employment by industry, sex, and race, 2011 (proportions)

Employment by occupation

Employment by occupation, 2001 and 2011

Proportion of employment by occupation, 2001 and 2011

Employment by occupation, race, and sex, 2011 (actual numbers)

Employment by occupation, race, and sex, 2011 (proportions)

Employment equity

Employment equity employment by occupation, race, and sex, 2010 (proportions)

Employment equity top management employment by race, sex, and industry, 2009

Employment equity proportion of employed with disabilities, 2001–2010

Employment in management by race and sex, 2000–10

Breakdown of top management by race and sex, 2010

Proportion of black employees in the workforce at different levels of seniority, 1994–2010

Segments of the working population

Non-agricultural, non-domestic formal sector

Non-agricultural, non-domestic, formal private and public sector employment, 2010–2011

Formal sector (non-agricultural) employment by industry, 2006–11


Employment in agriculture by sector, 2001–11

Number of paid workers in the formal agricultural sector by province, 2007

Number of paid workers in the formal agricultural sector, 2007–09

Expanded Public Works Programme

Number and average length of work opportunities created by the EPWP, 2004/05–2010/11

Informal sector

Informal sector employment (non-agricultural) by industry, 2006–11

Employment in the public sector

The public service

State employees as a proportion of total employment, 1999–2011

Number of state employees by sex, 2011

Number of state employees by race, 2011

Proportion of state employees by race, 2011

Breakdown of state employees by race and sex, 2011

Proportion of state employees with disabilities, 2010

Number of state employees by level of management, 2010

Number of employees in national departments and agencies by race, 2011

State-owned enterprises and public institutions

Number and proportion of employees in state-owned enterprises by race, 2011

Number and proportion of employees in public institutions reporting to the Department of Tansport by race, 2011

Number and proportion of employees in public institutions reporting to the Department of Communications by race, 2011

Number and proportion of employees in public financial institutions by race, 2011

Number and proportion of employees in public institutions reporting to the Department of Science and Technology by race, 2011

Number and proportion of employees in public institutions reporting to the Department of Trade and Industry by race, 2011

Number and proportion of employees in public institutions reporting to the Department of Labour by race, 2011

Number and proportion of employees in public institutions reporting to the Department of Home Affairs by race, 2011

Number and proportion of employees in public institutions reporting to the Department of Defence and Military Veterans by race, 2011

Number and proportion of employees in public institutions reporting to the Presidency by race, 2011

Number and proportion of employees in public institutions reporting to the Department of Tourism by race, 2011

Number and proportion of employees in public institutions reporting to the Department of Sport and Recreation by race, 2011

Employees of general government

Number of employees by level of government, 2010

Characteristics of the employed

Employment by age group, 2011

Employment by highest level of education, 2011



Unemployment numbers by race, 1994–2011 (official and expanded definition)

Number of unemployed (official definition), 1994–2011

Number of unemployed (expanded definition), 1994–2011

Unemployment rate by race, 1994–2011 (official and expanded definition)

Unemployment rate (official definition), 1994–2011

Unemployment rate (expanded definition), 1994–2011

Unemployment by industry and occupation, 2011

Characteristics of the unemployed

Categories of unemployed people, 2011

Unemployment by age group, 2011

Unemployment rate by age group, 2011

Unemployment numbers and rate by age, race, and sex, 2011

Unemployment by highest level of education, 2011

Unemployment by length of time, 2011

International comparisons

Unemployment rates, selected countries, 2011

Unemployment rates, emerging markets, 2010


Not economically active

Persons not economically active, 2011


Underutilisation of labour, 2011


Time-related underemployment by industry, 2011

Time-related underemployment by occupation, 2011

Discouraged workseekers

Discouraged workseekers by race, 2001–11

Discouraged workseekers by race and sex, 2010–11


Overall data

Economically active population by province, 2011


Labour market trends by province, 2010–11

Change in unemployment rate by province, 2010–11


Unemployment numbers by province, 2005–11

Unemployment rate by province, 2005–11


Labour market status

Labour market status by race, 2007



Various assets

Ownership of certain assets, actual numbers, 2011

Ownership of certain assets, by type of asset, 2011

Ownership of certain assets by race, 2011

Ownership of certain assets by type and race, 2011

Value of certain assets by type and race, 2011

Asset ownership and debt by race, 2011

Property ownership by race, 2011

Home ownership by race, 2010 (actual numbers)

Home ownership by race, 2010 (proportions)

Assets on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE)

Total ownership of the JSE, 2000 and 2010

JSE ownership, 2000 and 2010

Total ownership of the JSE, 2000 and 2010

Total individual ownership of the JSE by race, 2000 and 2010

Ownership of JSE mandated funds by race, 2000 and 2010

Direct JSE share ownership by race, 2000 and 2010

Direct JSE share ownership, 2000 and 2010

Direct JSE share ownership by race, 2000 and 2010

Ownership of shares in JSE retirement funds by race, 1995–2010

Wage trends

Average monthly earnings in formal non-agricultural industries, 2010–11 (current prices)

Average monthly earnings in formal non-agricultural industries, 2010–11 (constant prices)

Average monthly earnings in formal non-agricultural employment in the public and private sectors, 2000–10

Breakdown of monthly earnings by sex, 2010

Breakdown of monthly earnings by race, 2010

Breakdown of monthly earnings by highest level of education, 2010

Breakdown of monthly earnings by province, 2010

Breakdown of monthly earnings by sector, 2010

Breakdown of monthly earnings by occupation, 2010

Number of paid employees in agriculture and average monthly earnings by province, 2007


Income levels and categories


Number of households by annual income category and province, 2010

Number of households by annual income category, 2010

Proportion of households by annual income category and province, 2010


Adults by race, income group, and sex, 2009 (actual numbers)

Adults by race and income group, 2009 (actual numbers)

Adults by race, income group, and sex, 2009 (proportions)

Adults by income group and province, 2009 (actual numbers)

Adults by income group and province, 2009 (proportions)

Adults by income group and highest level of education, 2009 (actual numbers)

Adults by income group and highest level of education, 2009 (proportions)

Income group growth rates by race, 2009–2010

Number and proportion of affluent individuals by race, age, and province, 2009

Income sources

Households’ sources of income by race, 2010

Number and proportion of small-scale non-metro households with access to land by main source of income, 2006

Income inequality

Gini co-efficient by race and location, 1993, 2000, and 2008

Gini co-efficient by race, 1996–2010

Gini co-efficient by province and race, 2010

Income trends

Very long-term income trends

Long-term income trends

Medium-term income trends

Aggregate income

Annual total disposable income by race, 1996–2010

Proportion of annual total disposable income by race, 1996 and 2010

Household income

Annual average household income by race, 1996–2010

Annual average household income by race, 1996 and 2010

Annual average household income by province, 1996–2010

Personal income

Personal annual income per head by province, 1996–2010

Annual per capita income by race, 1996–2010

Annual per capita income by race, 1996 and 2010


Monthly household expenditure categories by race, 2009–10

Monthly household expenditure categories by race and sex, 2010

Household expenditure categories by sex, 2010

Expenditure by race and main expenditure group (proportions), 2008


Distribution of final household consumption by main expenditure group, 1950–2010

Final household consumption expenditure, 2010

Final consumption expenditure by households, 1960–2010

Living Standards Measures

Living standards measures by age, race, income, and province, 2010

LSMs, change over time, 2001–10

Proportion change in LSMs, 2001–2010


National trends

Number and proportion of people living on less than $2 a day, 1996–2010

Number of people living on less than $2 a day, 1996–2010

Number of people living in relative poverty by race, 1996–2010

Proportion of people living in relative poverty by race, 1996–2010

Provincial trends

Number of people living on less than $2 a day by province, 1996–2010

Proportion of people living on less than $2 a day by province, 1996–2010

Poverty levels: people living in poverty by province and race, 2010 (actual numbers)

Poverty levels: people living in poverty by province and race, 2010 (proportions)

Municipal poverty

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