Politics-and-Government-2010-(Web)-(Smaller)-1.jpgThe chapter provides a detailed overview of the South African political situation, ranging from the composition of Parliament to international rankings of South African governance.

The chapter commences with a breakdown of party representation in Parliament. A breakdown of party representation is also given for each of the nine provincial legislatures.

Information is then given for party representation in local authorities. An analysis of by-election results since the last local government poll in 2006 is also provided. This allows readers to see the trend of how the African National Congress (ANC) is retaining much of its support, but has lost a significant number of by-elections. The official opposition, the Democratic Alliance (DA), also managed to retain its support, as well as gain a number of municipal seats through by-elections.

The chapter also shows that there has been a significant increase in the number of women serving as members of Parliament or of provincial legislatures.

There is also information on the number of protests in South Africa, both violent and peaceful.

This is followed by an analysis of key trends in South African politics, ranging from corruption to foreign affairs to the activities of opposition parties.

The Institute’s own Rainbow Index is also provided, which is a scorecard of South African democracy. It shows that more vigilance is needed. The chapter concludes with international comparisons. These include the World Bank’s Governance Indicators, global rankings of freedom from Freedom House, and South Africa’s rating for press freedom from Reporters without Borders.

The chapter allows readers to gain a firm grasp of the current South African political environment.


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POLITICS AT A GLANCE                                                                             

Party representation                                                                   

THE STATE OF PLAY IN 2010                                                                     


The National Assembly                                                                      

The state of play in the National Assembly after the 2009 national election                                                                         

Proportional representation and seats held by party after the 2009 national election

Representation in the National Assembly by party after the 2009 national election                                                                     

The National Council of Provinces                                                     

Seats held in the National Council of Provinces after the 2009 provincial elections                                                           

Number of delegates to the National Council of Provinces after the 2009 provincial elections                                                    

Representation in the National Council of Provinces after the 2009 provincial elections                                                         

Provincial legislatures                                                                           

The state of play in provincial legislatures following the 2009 provincial elections                                                           

Seats in provincial legislatures after the 2009 provincial elections                                                                                 

Overall representation in the nine provincial legislatures after the 2009 provincial elections                                                        

Local authorities                                                                                    

Party representation                                                                      

Votes by party, 2006                                                                   

Seats by party                                                                            

Representation in the six metropolitan municipalities in 2009      


By-election results since the 2006 local government elections        

Control of councils                                                                        

Councils controlled by party, 2000–2009                                      

Municipal audits                                                                            

Municipal audit reports, 2007/08 and 2008/09                             

Results of the national election in selected municipalities, 2009                                                                                           

VOTING TRENDS                                                                                        

Voter turnout in national and provincial elections, 1994–2009          

Voting trends                                                                                         

CHANGES IN PARTY REPRESENTATION 1994–2009                                 

REPRESENTATION OF WOMEN                                                                  

Female members of the National Assembly, 1994–2009                 

Female members of provincial legislatures, 1994–2009                  

Female members of local government councils, 2000–2006            

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENTAL MATTERS                                           

The ruling party                                                                                    

African National Congress (ANC)                                                  

The ANC Youth League                                                             

Governmental matters                                                                           

The Cabinet                                                                                   

Foreign relations                                                                           



Timing and coalitions                                                                    

Opposition parties                                                                                 

Congress of the People (Cope)                                                       

Democratic Alliance (DA)                                                              

Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP)                                                           


Proposed restrictions                                                                    

New newspaper                                                                             

Corruption and wastage                                                                        

South African Airways (SAA)                                                         


The Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (Cipro)                                                                              

Race relations and xenophobia                                                             

Race relations                                                                                



‘Service delivery’ protests                                                              

Number of peaceful and violent gatherings, 2007–08 and 2008–09                                                                                  

THE RAINBOW INDEX                                                                                 

The Rainbow Index, 2009                                                            

INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS                                                              

World Bank Governance Indicators Report, 2008                           

Freedom in the world, 2010 (selected countries)                           

Press freedom in the world, 2009 (selected countries)                   

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