SARB cuts the Repo rate by 25 basis points to 6.25% in Q1 2020, following a unanimous vote by the SARB MPC.
We’d be lucky to see 0.9% growth, which is the World Bank’s expectation, and could already be in a depression rather than a recession, one expert said.
Small, medium, and micro enterprises (SMMEs) have the potential to drive economic growth and employment in South Africa. However, this potential is not being realised.
White South Africans are getting paid three times more than their black African counterparts at work.
Some economists have warned that unless South Africa puts its economic house in order soon, it faces the possibility of an investment downgrade.
When Nelson Mandela came to power in 1994, he faced the challenge of uniting a nation divided by apartheid and healing an economy shattered by sanctions and mismanagement.
18 Oct 2019 - David Ansara, COO of the Centre For Risk Analysis, joined Aldrin Sampear of Power FM and Dr Leroy Repatsoae, Chief Economist at Productivity SA, to discuss productivity levels in the SA workplace.
He listed and deeply analysed the following issues: low economic growth; hostile broader economic policy framework; poor education; low skill level, and labour policy as key drivers of unemployment.