Fast Facts
Fast Facts

These monthly reports provide in-depth assessments of the trends shaping specific current social, economic, and political challenges in South Africa while also updating users on over 200 economic and social indicators. Recent editions include a budget review with a specific focus on tax trends, a comparative report on provincial and local government service delivery indicators, an analysis of school and university performance, a review of South African consumer spending trends, and an analysis of crime and security trends.

Fast Facts 2010

Here you will find the 2010 issues of Fast Facts in PDF format.

Fast Facts 2011

Here you will find the 2011 issues of Fast Facts in PDF format.

Fast Facts 2012

Here you will find the 2012 issues of Fast Facts in PDF format.

Fast Facts 2013

Here you will find the 2013 issues of Fast Facts in PDF format.

Fast Facts 2014

Here you will find the 2014 issues of Fast Facts in PDF format.

Fast Facts 2015

Here you will find the 2015 issues of Fast Facts in PDF format.

Fast Facts 2016

Here you will find the 2016 issues of Fast Facts in PDF format.

Fast Facts 2017

Here you will find the 2017 issues of Fast Facts in PDF format.

Fast Facts 2018

Here you will find the 2018 issues of Fast Facts in PDF format.

Fast Facts 2019

Here you will find the 2019 issues of Fast Facts in PDF format.

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