Education the single greatest obstacle to socio-economic advancement in South Africa – seeks to provide an overall evaluation of the quality of South Africa’s education system.
Education the single greatest obstacle to socio-economic advancement in South Africa – seeks to provide an overall evaluation of the quality of South Africa’s education system.
The August edition - South Africa’s family fabric – presents key population and household data. The number of civil marriages declined by 21.9% between 2003 and 2016, while customary marriages dropped by 77%.
The December edition – South Africa: A brief demographic sketch – looks at South Africa’s demographic trends, highlighting among other things the attraction exerted by better-off provinces such as Gauteng and the Western Cape on migrants from within and outside South Africa.
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July Edition of Fast Facts 'South Africa’s place in the game of trade' from the Centre for Risk Analysis looks at South Africa’s trade with the world and finds that the country records deficits with most major country and regional trade partners.
The June edition - South Africa’s state of health - provides an overview of major healthcare trends in South Africa against the background of the proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme and amid growing concern at its implications.
Death is coming to the very top of South Africa’s body politic – seeks to provide insight into political assassinations in South Africa.
The November edition – South Africa’s Quality of Life…good for some, but not all – updates the Quality of Life Index (QOLI) first developed by CRA in 2017.
The October edition - Provincial profiles - presents a brief summary of demographic, economic, education, health and social security, living conditions and governance, as well as crime and security indicators on South Africa’s nine provinces.
While newspapers will herald the budget as ‘good’ and ‘brave’ and ‘striking a balance’ between competing objectives at a difficult time, it is none of these things.
The September edition – Economy besieged by hostile policy – looks at the state of South Africa’s economy.
On March 16, framed in much red ink and drama, the New Age newspaper’s front-page lead read: Public sector jobs bloodbath warning.
Th is Fast Facts provides a comprehensive picture of taxpayers and tax revenue collected.