Macro Review

Locked Out: South Africa's Unemployment Crisis

The latest report from the Centre For Risk Analysis (CRA), entitled Locked Out: South Africa’s Unemployment Crisis, reveals that the country's structural unemployment problem is steadily worsening. Locked Out: South Africa's Unemployment Crisis

A State of Corruption

This month’s edition entitled A State of Corruption, explores South Africa's endemic corruption problem. The report draws on data sets from all spheres of government to reveal the prevalence of patronage and rent-seeking that exists within the state. Will President Ramaphosa be able to root out corruption given the widespread allegations of graft within the senior ranks of the ANC and his insistence on preserving unity within the party? A State of Corruption

The South African Consumer Under Lockdown

This month’s edition, entitled The South African Consumer Under Lockdown, presents data on the effect of the extended national lockdown on consumer trends in the economy. The report reveals that rising unemployment and slow economic activity have taken their toll, resulting in increased indebtedness and reduced discretionary spending. The South African Consumer Under Lockdown

Running Out of Road: Beyond the Supplementary Budget

This month’s edition, entitled Running Out of Road, analyzes the key policy risks and macroeonomic trends emerging from the supplementary budget, including debt, deficits and growth projections. Running Out of Road: Beyond the Supplementary Budget

South Africa Unlocked

This month’s edition, entitled South Africa Unlocked, highlights the devastating impact of the lockdown on the South African economy and the urgent need for re-opening. South Africa Unlocked

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