Risk Alert

Risk Alert | The leaning tower of Eskom

04 March 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we share a short summary of a ‘confidential’ report on Eskom, amid ongoing concerns around the utility’s underperformance. Risk Alert | The leaning tower of Eskom

Risk Alert | The SARB gets it

29 January 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we look at the South African Reserve Bank’s latest rates decision, before examining updated inflation data. Risk Alert | The SARB gets it

Risk Alert | A workmanlike budget

26 February 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we assess the 2024 Budget speech, highlighting South Africa’s runaway debt levels and the risks for the governing party’s electoral prospects. Risk Alert | A workmanlike budget

Risk Alert | Beware the Ides of March

19 February 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we discuss the ANC's lack of effective strategy against its opponents ahead of this year's national and provincial polls. Risk Alert | Beware the Ides of March

Risk Alert | Polls detect a political tremor

12 February 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we look at the latest batch of political party support polling, highlighting negative signs for the ANC in the upcoming election. Risk Alert | Polls detect a political tremor

Risk Alert | Seeking a scapegoat

05 February 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we highlight the stratagems deployed by the African National Congress to extend its hold on power, in the run up to the 2024 elections. Risk Alert | Seeking a scapegoat

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