Risk Alert

Risk Alert | GNU off to a rocky start

23 June 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we discuss the tensions around the formation of a Government of National Unity, with key players haggling over the inclusion of additional partners. Risk Alert | GNU off to a rocky start

Risk Alert | The Rampant Centre

17 June 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we begin with the composition of South Africa’s new national government, its risks, and the opportunities from which it and the country can benefit. Risk Alert | The Rampant Centre

Risk Alert | GNU: Government of National Uncertainty

10 June 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we begin with the latest on the possible composition of South Africa's next government. Risk Alert | GNU: Government of National Uncertainty

Risk Alert | SA’s seismic elections

3 June 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we assess South Africa’s 2024 national and provincial election results, zooming in on uMkhonto weSizwe Party’s latest moves. Risk Alert | SA’s seismic elections

Risk Alert | South Africa heads to the polls

27 May 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we begin by discussing last minute shifts in the political landscape leading up to South Africa’s national and provincial elections. Risk Alert | South Africa heads to the polls

Risk Alert | Gauteng and KZN: Coalition Country

20 May 2024 - In this week's exclusive client Risk Alert, we begin with the now customary polling update ahead of the elections. Risk Alert | Gauteng and KZN: Coalition Country

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