[News] Ramaphosa’s Dependence on the Left Stymies South African Reforms

“The wrestling match over the ANC tiller is now essentially between a hard-left faction and aggressive racial nationalist faction all under the supervision of a captain who cannot break the deadlock or inspire a third way,” the Johannesburg-based Centre for Risk Analysis said in a report it gives to clients. Ramaphosa “believes, fatally in our view, that maintaining unity among the crew is a priority,” it said.

[Opinion] Brexit scenarios: Events, dear boy, events

CRA Analyst, Hermann Pretorius, shares his thoughts on six scenarios for Brexit under new PM, Boris Johnson. This analysis was adapted from the CRA’s Strategic Intelligence Report which details trends and potential scenarios for the domestic and international political economy. This and other reports are available exclusively to CRA subscribers.

Press release: "Imperative to root out arms deal corruption" - SAIRR, 5 May 2011.

“President Jacob Zuma has a constitutional obligation to take effective action against corruption. This includes the corruption which appears to have accompanied the 1999 arms deal,” says the South African Institute of Race Relations (the Institute), which has been admitted as an amicus curiae (friend of the court) in a case before the Constitutional Court today.
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