[Opinion] SA must get onto a 7% growth track, and that demands boldness and innovative thinking
John Endres
29 Aug, 2023

Instead of adopting a ruthless growth focus, the government is doubling down on job-destroying policies like expropriation without compensation (EWC) and enhanced BEE, while bribing SA’s poorest to look the other way with miserly social grants and by providing them with decrepit state services in water, electricity, education, health, transport, and safety, among other areas. Yet it does not have to be this way. A small number of critical reforms, resolutely enacted, can achieve a dramatic turnaround in South Africa’s prospects.

[News] Brighter days ahead?
Chris Hattingh
26 Aug, 2023

Perhaps, after years of resisting the types of reform necessary to improve the performance of the ports, the government has finally reached the inflection point.

[Opinion] Zimbabwe’s ongoing struggle for free and fair elections
Tawanda Makombo
21 Aug, 2023

On Wednesday, Zimbabwe is scheduled to hold a general election. This poll has already garnered significant attention due to its potential to either direct the nation toward true democratic reform or plunge the Southern African country deeper into the depths of autocracy.

[Video] 15th BRICS summit | 22 countries apply for membership
Chris Hattingh
15 Aug, 2023

At least 22 countries, including Saudi Arabia and Iran, have formally asked to join the BRICS bloc. A further group of 22 have expressed interest in gaining membership. The core group of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will discuss this next week in Johannesburg.

[Opinion] Risky business
Chris Hattingh
13 Aug, 2023

The greater the extent to which business and government become mixed, the greater the incentive for – and likelihood of – regulations and policies being set up in such a way as to benefit those with the necessary resources and level of political influence.

[Letter] One-stop energy shop will cause more problems
Chris Hattingh
03 Aug, 2023

It appears that our government officials have locked themselves up in an ivory tower full of new policy proposals, big ideas and slow reforms, far removed from the SA citizen on the ground.

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