When we examine public opportunities to make grand, sweeping statements (such as State of the Nation Addresses and, in an election year, party manifestos) versus most citizens' everyday reality of life on the ground, we can better understand whether, if implemented, ideas and policies contained in said manifestos will produce better or worse outcomes, writes the author.
As South Africa navigates its complex socio-economic landscape, one of the most telling indicators of demographic shifts is the median age.
Challenges facing consumers a reflection of the state of governance in SA.
SA must urgently deal with problems hurting the economy.
The longer SA focuses on short-term ‘fixes’ its trade potential will be hobbled
No or limited government funding is available to implement control measures.
As the World Economic Forum begins at Davos this morning, Team South Africa has a lot on its plate, trying to sell the country to investors.
Through all of this, the crucial lesson for SA to realise and implement is getting its ports back to an adequate level of operation, such that the country can place itself in a position to take advantage of times when global trade patterns shift due to unforeseen events and conflicts.