[Opinion] From conspiracy theory to reality?
Genevieve Labuschagne
23 Sep, 2023

The cliché American conspiracy-theory trope, “they’re watching”, is an overused storyline common to the American screen, from “conspiracy nut” comedies to dark action-packed spy blockbusters. But this trope could become a South African reality if the new General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill (GILAB) comes into play.

[News] Government budget cuts could lead to social unrest
Chris Hattingh
07 Sep, 2023

The government might have to cut back on spending for social services due to budget constraints, which could lead to social unrest and increased frustration with the status quo. This is according to economist and head of policy analysis at the Centre For Risk Analysis Chris Hattingh.

[Opinion] SA must get onto a 7% growth track, and that demands boldness and innovative thinking
John Endres
29 Aug, 2023

Instead of adopting a ruthless growth focus, the government is doubling down on job-destroying policies like expropriation without compensation (EWC) and enhanced BEE, while bribing SA’s poorest to look the other way with miserly social grants and by providing them with decrepit state services in water, electricity, education, health, transport, and safety, among other areas. Yet it does not have to be this way. A small number of critical reforms, resolutely enacted, can achieve a dramatic turnaround in South Africa’s prospects.

[News] Brighter days ahead?
Chris Hattingh
26 Aug, 2023

Perhaps, after years of resisting the types of reform necessary to improve the performance of the ports, the government has finally reached the inflection point.

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