[Opinion] Transnet on the move!
Chris Hattingh
22 Mar, 2024

Can Transnet be fixed? This won’t happen overnight, but CHRIS HATTINGH reveals that some positive steps are finally being taken.

[Letter] Master plans drive up costs
Chris Hattingh
22 Mar, 2024

Trade, industry & competition minister Ebrahim Patel has highlighted the negative consequences of inefficient rail and ports systems, especially for new and emerging businesses (“Patel bemoans failed SOEs hobbling black industrialists”, March 18).

[Opinion] Quality over quantity
Gerbrandt van Heerden
18 Mar, 2024

Will the declining average levels of basic service delivery influence voter behaviour in the 2024 National and Provincial elections?

[Opinion] Talking a big game
Chris Hattingh
01 Mar, 2024

President Cyril Ramaphosa has been big on promises, but will he follow through on these promises with any real action? Chris Hattingh has his doubts.

[Opinion] ANC manifesto vague and Nixonian with little hope of creating a better life for all
Chris Hattingh
01 Mar, 2024

When we examine public opportunities to make grand, sweeping statements (such as State of the Nation Addresses and, in an election year, party manifestos) versus most citizens' everyday reality of life on the ground, we can better understand whether, if implemented, ideas and policies contained in said manifestos will produce better or worse outcomes, writes the author.

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