The Demographics chapter shows who lives in South Africa, how old they are, where they live, and what their home language is. The data, in 95 pages of detail, is broken down by race, sex, age, and location, going back as far as 1911 and looking ahead to 2040.
Internal migration and urban growth trends are featured, showing which provinces are gaining and which are losing people. Seven pages are devoted to the impact of HIV/AIDS on population trends. A further seven pages are dedicated to families, including child-headed households, orphans, the presence or absence of fathers, single parents, and teenage pregnancy. Human Development Index trends are tracked back to 1980. The chapter concludes with a section on emigrants, residence permit holders, refugees and asylum seekers, as well as deportations.
For more detail on what the chapter contains, you will find the complete table of contents below.
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Table of contents:
The Economy chapter comprises 73 pages of data on all aspects of the South African economy plus numerous comparisons with other countries across the globe.
For more detail on what the chapter contains, you will find the complete table of contents below.
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Table of Contents:
Public Finance
The Public Finance chapter presents 40 pages of detailed information on how much the Government receives from whom, how much it spends and on what.
For more detail on what the chapter contains, you will find the complete table of contents below.
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The 70-page Employment chapter shows you the winners and losers in South Africa’s labour market. It is packed with detail on employment, unemployment, employment equity, labour shortages, and job creation. Most indicators are broken down by race, sex, province, and industry, and show trends over the last decade.
For more detail on what the chapter contains, you will find the complete table of contents below.
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Assets and Incomes
The 40-page Assets and Incomes chapter provides up-to-date information on whom in South Africa earns how much, by sector and occupation, and where they do it.
For more detail on what the chapter contains, you will find the complete table of contents below.
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Business and Labour
In over 80 pages of detail, the Business and Labour chapter provides a comprehensive picture of the business environment in South Africa, showing who does what business and what constraints or advantages they face in doing it in South Africa.
For more detail on what the chapter contains, you will find the complete table of contents below.
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The Education chapter comprises 100 pages of detail on education in South Africa. The chapter provides an in-depth look at the education profile of the population and offers numerous international comparisons. The detailed sub-sections provide a comprehensive picture of the state of resources in public and private schools, and also provides comprehensive data on examinations and outputs. The chapter closes with a detailed section on higher education, including historical trends going back to 1991.
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Health and social security
The health and social security chapter presents 78 pages of detail on the South African health care and social security systems. A section on health resources and services covers expenditure, access to medical insurance, medical personnel, hospitals, rates of immunisation, blood transfusion, circumcisions, and condom use. Also included is a section that tracks policy matters and provides information on the proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme and the ongoing controversy concerning medical aids and prescribed minimum benefits. The health indicators section presents figures on mortality, nutrition, HIV/AIDS, and other diseases.
The social security section provides an overview of how much is spent on social security and to whom this money goes. Data on social grant beneficiaries is available by type of social grant and by province and goes back to 1994. There is also information on how much South Africa spends on social security both as a proportion of total government expenditure and as a proportion of GDP. The section concludes with figures on care options for orphaned children, where trends in foster care, adoptions, and child and youth care centres are highlighted.
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Table of contents:
Expenditure | 516 |
Public expenditure | 516 |
Health and other spending, 1994/95–2013/14 | 516 |
Budgeted health expenditure | 516 |
Consolidated national and provincial spending, | |
1994/95–2014/15 | 516 |
Public health expenditure as a proportion of total | |
government expenditure, 1995–2010 | 517 |
Public health expenditure as a proportion of GDP, | |
2002–2010 | 518 |
Private out-of-pocket health expenditure | 519 |
Out-of-pocket health expenditure as a proportion of | |
private health expenditure, 1995–2010 | 519 |
International comparisons | 520 |
Health expenditure, selected countries, 2010 | 520 |
Health expenditure, emerging markets, 2010 | 521 |
Health expenditure, selected African countries, 2010 | 522 |
Structure of responsibility | 523 |
Responsibilities of national, provincial, and district | |
departments of health | 523 |
Regulatory bodies | 523 |
Medicines Control Council | 523 |
Compensation Commission for Occupational Diseases | 524 |
Council for Medical Schemes | 524 |
South African Medical Research Council | 524 |
Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa | 524 |
South African Nursing Council | 524 |
South African Dental Technicians Council | 524 |
South African Pharmacy Council | 524 |
Health Professions Council of South Africa | 524 |
Medical insurance | 525 |
Beneficiaries of medical aid schemes, 1997–11 | 525 |
Beneficiaries of medical aid schemes as a proportion of | |
total population, 1997–2011 | 525 |
Medical aid beneficiaries by province, 2004–11 | 526 |
Beneficiaries by province as a proportion of provincial | |
population, 2011 | 526 |
Medical aid coverage by province and race, 2011 | 527 |
Medical aid coverage by race, 2011 | 528 |
Medical aid coverage by race, 2002-11 | 528 |
Policy matters | 529 |
Prescribed Minimum Benefits | 529 |
National Health Insurance (NHI) | 530 |
Medical personnel | 531 |
All personnel | 531 |
University and university of technology health sciences | |
awards by race, 1991–2010 | 531 |
Doctors | 532 |
Medical graduates by institution, 2000–08 | 532 |
Public sector doctors by province, 2000–12 | 532 |
Clinical associates | 533 |
South African doctors abroad and foreign doctors in | |
South Africa | 533 |
Nurses | 534 |
Public sector professional nurses by province, | |
2000–12 | 534 |
Output of nurses, private and public, 2000–10 | 534 |
Government nursing colleges by province, 2009 | 534 |
Doctors and nurses | 535 |
Public sector people-to-doctor and people-to-nurse | |
ratio, 2011 | 535 |
Public sector medical personnel vacancies by | |
province, 2010 | 535 |
International comparisons | 536 |
Physicians per 1 000 people, selected countries, | |
2003–10 | 536 |
Hospitals and clinics | 537 |
Clinics | 537 |
Hospitals | 537 |
Public | 537 |
Public hospitals by type and province, 2011 | 537 |
Private and public | 538 |
Beds in public and private sector hospitals by province, | |
2010 and 2011 | 538 |
Hospitals in each province, 2010 and 2011 | 539 |
Hospitals, private and public sectors, 2010 and 2011 | 539 |
International comparisons | 540 |
Hospital beds per 1 000 people, selected countries, | |
2003-08 | 540 |
Medicines | 541 |
Medicines Control Council | 541 |
Pharmacies | 542 |
Registered pharmacists by province, 2003–11 | 542 |
Public sector pharmacists by province, 2000–2012 | 542 |
Public sector pharmacists as a proportion of | |
registered pharmacists, 2011 | 543 |
Private sector pharmacies | 543 |
Vaccination and immunisation | 544 |
Immunisation coverage of children under one year, | |
2000–10 | 544 |
Rates of immunisation and TB treatment, selected | |
countries, 2008, 2009 and 2010 | 545 |
Blood transfusion | 546 |
Blood donation by race, 2006–09 | 546 |
Circumcisions | 546 |
Male circumcision by province, 2009 | 546 |
Condom use | 546 |
Condom use among adults, 2002–08 | 546 |
Mortality | 547 |
Infant and under-five mortality | 547 |
Infant mortality rate by province, 1994–2011 | 547 |
Under-five mortality rate by province, 1994–2011 | 548 |
Infant and under-five mortality rate, 1994–2011 | 548 |
Under-five mortality rate, selected countries, | |
1970–2010 | 549 |
Under-five mortality rate, emerging markets, | |
1970–2010 | 550 |
Under-five mortality rate, selected African countries, | |
1970–2010 | 551 |
Still birth rate by province, 2001–10 | 552 |
Still birth rate by district municipality, | |
2003/04–2008/09 | 552 |
Maternal mortality | 552 |
Maternal deaths, 1990–2011 | 552 |
Unnecessary deaths of mothers, 2005–07 | 552 |
Causes of death | 552 |
Leading causes of death, 2004–09 | 553 |
Top five causes of death, 2009 | 553 |
Causes of death by race, 2009 | 554 |
Causes of death, all races, 2009 | 556 |
Deaths by age and year of death | 557 |
Deaths by age and year of death, 1997–2009 | 557 |
Termination of pregnancy | 559 |
Termination of pregnancy by province, 1997–2010 | 559 |
Termination of pregnancy by age, 2001–06 | 560 |
Nutrition | 561 |
Malnutrition | 561 |
Severe malnutrition among under fives, 2001–08 | 561 |
Severe malnutrition among under fives by province, | |
2001–10 | 561 |
Household food adequacy by province, 2011 | 562 |
Obesity | 562 |
Weight patterns by race and gender | 562 |
Obese people by race and sex | 563 |
Diseases | 563 |
Cholera | 563 |
Cholera cases and deaths, 1994–2009 | 563 |
Diarrhoea | 564 |
Diarrhoea incidence among under fives by province, | |
2001–10 | 564 |
Diarrhoea incidence among under-fives, 2001–10 | 564 |
Malaria | 565 |
Malaria cases and deaths, 1971–2011 | 565 |
Malaria deaths, 1971–2011 | 565 |
Measles | 566 |
Reported cases of measles by province, 2008–11 | 566 |
Reported cases of measles by province, 2011 | 566 |
Tuberculosis (TB) | 567 |
TB prevalence and death rates, 1990–2010 | 567 |
TB cases and pulmonary TB cases reported, | |
1995–2007 | 567 |
TB treatment rate, 1994–2009 | 568 |
Reported TB deaths by province, 2006–08 | 568 |
Incidence of TB per 100 000 people, 2010 | 569 |
HIV AND AIDS | 570 |
Current data | 570 |
Population segments living with HIV/AIDS | 570 |
South African population as a proportion of | |
world population, 2010 | 570 |
South African HIV/AIDS cases as a proportion of | |
world HIV/AIDS cases, 2010 | 570 |
People living with HIV/AIDS by province, 2012 | 571 |
Historical trends | 572 |
All infections | 572 |
New HIV infections by year, 1999–2011 | 572 |
Adult infection | 573 |
Adult HIV-prevalence rates by race, 1991-2011 | 573 |
Female infection | 574 |
HIV infection rates of women attending public | |
antenatal clinics by province, 1992–2010 | 574 |
HIV infection rates of women attending public | |
antenatal clinics, 1992–2010 | 574 |
HIV infection rates of women attending public | |
antenatal clinics by province, 2010 | 575 |
HIV infection rates of women attending public | |
antenatal clinics by age, 1997–2010 | 575 |
Projected prevalence rates | 576 |
HIV prevalence rate by province, 2002–25 | 576 |
HIV prevalence rates, 2002–25 | 576 |
Persons in need of ART and persons receiving | |
ART, 2005–11 | 577 |
Children receiving ART, 2005–10 | 577 |
International comparisons | 578 |
Regional HIV/AIDS statistics, 2003–10 | 578 |
HIV prevalence among adults aged 15–24 by sex | |
and region, 2010 | 579 |
Social security budget | 580 |
Social security and other spending, 1994/95–2013/14 | 580 |
Budgeted social security expenditure | 580 |
National and provincial social security budget | |
allocations, 2012/13–2014/15 | 580 |
Structure of responsibility | 581 |
Responsibilities of national, provincial, and district | |
departments of social development | 581 |
South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) | 581 |
Social security personnel and services | 582 |
Population to social worker ratio by province, 2011 | 582 |
Social grants | 583 |
Beneficiaries of social grants, 2001–2014/15 | 583 |
Social grant beneficiaries by province, 2011/12 | 584 |
Type of grant as a proportion of total grants, | |
2001–2012/13 | 585 |
Type of grant expenditure as a proportion of total | |
grant expenditure, 2011/12 | 585 |
Proportion of total grant expenditure per grant | |
type, 2011/12 | 586 |
Total social grant beneficiaries as a proportion of | |
total national population, 2001–2012/13 | 586 |
Selected social grant beneficiaries as a proportion of | |
total national population, 2001–2012/13 | 586 |
Old-age pension recipients as a proportion of over 60s, | |
2001–2012/13 | 587 |
Grants as proportion of total government expenditure, | |
2001-2011/12 | 587 |
Social grant expenditure as a proportion of GDP, | |
2003/04-2010/11 | 587 |
Increase in old-age grant in real terms, 1994-2011 | 588 |
Monthly value of social grants, April 2006–April 2012 | 589 |
Child support grant recipient numbers and payments, | |
October 1998–May 2008 | 589 |
Disability grant, 2001–2014/15 | 590 |
People with disabilities by sex, 1996–2009 | 590 |
War veterans grant, 2001–2014/15 | 590 |
Foster care, adoptions, and child and youth care centres | 591 |
Foster care grant application backlogs by | |
province, 2012 | 591 |
Adoptions, 2004–12 | 591 |
Cross-racial adoptions by age group, | |
1 April–25 September 2012 | 592 |
Children in foster care by province, 2012 | 592 |
Child and youth care centres and the number of | |
children they accommodate by province, 2012 | 592 |
Orphans, adoptions, and children in foster care and | |
child and youth care centres, 2010–12 | 593 |
Private institutions and provision | 593 |
Corporate Social Investment funding | 593 |
Government funding | 593 |
Living Conditions and Communications
The 2012 Living Conditions and Communications chapter runs for 83 pages and contains 15-year trends of service delivery indicators such as land, water, sanitation, housing, electricity, and refuse removal. The regular section on land reform includes new information on how some households use their land for agricultural purposes. The section on financial services includes new information on stokvels, with the communications and transportation sections concluding the chapter.
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Crime and security
This 108-page long chapter includes all aspects of the criminal justice system – police, courts, prisons – as well as defence and private security. New additions include crimes against women, crimes in the course of vigilantism, and a new section on intelligence services. Regular features, such as the most serious crime trends broken down by crime category, year, province, and district municipality, are also included, many of them including data going back to 1995.
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Table of contents:
Politics and Government
The 60-page Politics and Government chapter provides an up-to-date analysis of the political landscape of South Africa. It details party representation at national, provincial, and local level and provides data on audit performance of all tiers of government. A new section presents information on charitable giving. The chapter also covers opinion polls over the last decade on issues such as government performance, social cohesion, race relations, and international indices comparing South Africa’s democracy with the rest of the world.
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